I usually don’t care one way or the other what mainstream news has to report. Usually, the news rolls like this: A war going on over here, look what these celebrities are doing over there, this previously unknown vegetable holds the key to proper nutrition, some politician kissed a puppy in the Poconos, a tornado destroyed an entire town in the Midwest, and, gosh, there might be a nuclear war. Wait, hold on, a nuclear war? This is new. See here. Now, this NATO general says a nuclear war with Russia could start over the Baltics. My only question is: … Continue reading

The post Gosh, It’ll Be Swell appeared first on LewRockwell.

My last two articles, judging from the volume of email I got, were very well received. People want to know how history, like the seasons, tends to happen in cycles and patterns that are somewhat predictable. When it comes to the United States government repeating history, that is easier to predict than the weather. One thing I touched on in a previous article is the fact that the West, and the United States government who pulls the entire West along like a child pulls a toy wagon, is unable to understand the concept of tribal violence. In truth, tribal and … Continue reading

The post Lessons From the Apaches appeared first on LewRockwell.

My last article about United States history left out one of the government’s greatest achievements: A civil war that was the bloodiest and heaviest in casualties than any other war in U.S. history. There were so many dead, to this day, we still don’t know how many died but it could be as high as 750,000. That’s higher than World War Two which had weapons not even in the planning stages during the Civil War. Indeed, we ARE “The Greatest Nation On Earth” if we are discussing numbers of dead racked up during a civil war. Why am I bringing … Continue reading

The post Bleeding Syria, Meet Bleeding Kansas appeared first on LewRockwell.

Someone recently posed these questions to me: “Jack, isn’t there some way you could say America is the greatest nation on earth? I mean, look at all we’ve done! Isn’t that greatness, after all?” Now, these are valid questions. America has accomplished some rather remarkable things, but they’re not quite the same things the government-approved school history textbooks tell us. Therefore, allow me to explain. 1.) Up The Revolution: The American Revolution, as we all know, made America safe from British puddings and Earl Grey tea. It also confirmed apple pie, mom, and not-yet-invented Chevrolets as the ne plus ultra … Continue reading

The post American History in 30 Minutes appeared first on LewRockwell.

Is America getting worse or better? Is America going to be “great” again, whatever that has meant since the 1980s? But more to the point, what difference does any of it make? Let’s be honest here about the so-called future of the United States of America. Since the dawn of what humanity likes to call “civilization” (i.e. the ability of a government to rob honest people under the guise of taxation), very few governments/nations/kingdoms have survived more than a few hundred years. Now, the United States has had a pretty good run. We’ve done a lot and accomplished a lot, … Continue reading

The post The Unavoidable Fall of the American Empire appeared first on LewRockwell.

The United States of America does two things admirably well: Scare people and convince people to buy—or buy into—crap they don’t need. Now, of course, those two things are linked because scared people tend to shop more, watch more scary movies to get more scared, and demand the government DO SOMETHING. Of course, this is a scam; we all know this. But the American people tend to want the government to do things and, paradoxically, then whine later about all these taxes and laws. Excuse me, but new taxes and laws don’t suddenly manifest from the forehead of Mount Rushmore … Continue reading

The post Yeah, Uh-Huh, Right appeared first on LewRockwell.

So, here we are again, am I right? Another ISIS terrorist attack in Europe. I wonder what President Obama will call this one? Road rage, perhaps? Extreme drunk driving? However, what this attack has just demonstrated is that the Democratic “plan” to “stop” such attacks by banning certain firearms will not work. Now, we knew that, of course. But over in Nice, this dude just killed dozens of people using a tractor trailer. A truck of mass destruction. See here, okay? You cannot stop terrorist attacks from a highly motivated, obviously very innovative, and extremely adaptable group that basically operates … Continue reading

The post Welcome to the Cold War on Terror appeared first on LewRockwell.

That’s it for the weather, and now in other news today, America is falling apart. See here. Now, this can all go two ways. In a first way, this can fizzle out and people will return to their televisions to watch Worshipping The Stars and eating entire Family-Size bags of Dork-Baked organic vegan sour cream and onion potato chips in one sitting. Or this can blow up into two factions of people at each others’ throats. Gosh, what happened to the tough guy that was going to unite America and heal this alleged racial divide here? Let’s see…wasn’t that President … Continue reading

The post Cop-Bots appeared first on LewRockwell.

So, what do you want me to say about this, then? Another “mass shooting event” and this time, it was the police targeted. Now, my first question is: Will the media be true to truth and call this a “hate crime” or will this be gussied up in some apologetic poppycock engineered to absolve the reality from being held accountable? Offhand, I think we’re going to miss a major point here in the rush to find fig leafs to cover up the truth and inanimate objects to assign blame to. I think we’re going to miss WHO trained the killer: … Continue reading

The post Spare Me the Maudlin Theatrics, Please appeared first on LewRockwell.

I suppose we’re all supposed to be shocked by this terrorist attack by ISIS over in Turkey just a couple weeks after the one in Orlando. I don’t suppose anyone will recall that Turkey is a NATO nation, like the United States who honchos the whole NATO shebang. Gosh, and Turkey is hopping mad and demanding revenge. Imagine that. I wouldn’t think that the quiet buildup of U.S. military forces in the region might herald an invasion of Syria, would you? Nah, none of this has anything to do with that. I mean, according to the government, ISIS can only really … Continue reading

The post Summer Fun: Hot Dogs, Fireworks appeared first on LewRockwell.

This morning, I happened to overhear something I found to be highly hilarious, to say nothing of guffaw-inducing. Ok, so I’m here in Tucson and I walk all over the place. To date, I have only been approached twice in about a year by panhandlers asking for money. And I see the homeless all the time. Talk to some of them at length. But petition gatherers? I think I’ve been approached by a little over a hundred within the past six months. Feh, it’s like running a gauntlet of government officials at a budget free-for-all of McPork Barrel proportions. And your humble … Continue reading

The post The Dollar Rebellion appeared first on LewRockwell.

Okay, so, my last two articles have been kind of heavy. I think we could all use a great laugh right now. So, okay, the global economy. I see this whole Brexit thing and everyone is freaking out. I thought Brexit was some kind of new men’s cologne or something. Then I saw this. Wow, so Britain really pulled out of the European Union? And now every stock market is acting like it’s the Great Depression worldwide. Come on, man, I can smell this scam coming a mile away. Oh, wait, this is our European brethren talking: I can smell … Continue reading

The post We All Need a Big Laugh Right Now appeared first on LewRockwell.

Ok, so I see this big hoopla (deeply flavored with just a hint of rare hoo-ha) about this woman who saw her kid standing on the toilet and the kid tells her she learned it at school. No, it wasn’t some nifty new personal hygiene technique, it was a lesson in hiding from a mass shooting event. Because if you stand on the toilet, the shooter can’t look under the stall door and see your legs, right? Well, except now anyway, since the concerned mom has revealed this escape-and-evasion tactic for tots to the entire world. The mom is outraged … Continue reading

The post None Dare Call It Reason appeared first on LewRockwell.

Flying under the social issues radar is the idea of drafting women into the United States military during a war. This has been a hot-button topic for quite some time with arguments for and against it. People in favor say, hey they wanted equal rights, so they got them. Others say, hey, they’re sitting ducks for sexual abuse if they get captured. Well, they don’t have to be captured by the enemy for that to happen. Their own comrades rape them. The military itself covered that up for decades until it got to the point they couldn’t cover it up … Continue reading

The post Don’t Draft Women appeared first on LewRockwell.

I did a radio interview Thursday on The Kate Dalley Show and we talked about the Orlando article I did here on Lew Rockwell this week. Kate asked the thought-provoking question of what the government might seek to gain or try and do after this event. Well, last night, I  pondered this some more, and I’ve come up with some theories on what we might see next. 1.) GUN CONTROL: I would actually be more surprised if the federal government did not attempt to pass a total ban on certain firearms, specifically the AR-15 and all variants of it. I … Continue reading

The post The Real Orlando Aftermath appeared first on LewRockwell.