We keep hearing all this crap coming out of the Democrats about helping the middle class, and small businesses. Ok, yeah, I get it. They’re trying to appeal to the “common people”. As I’ve said before, I feel qualified to speak up about this because I exist far below the common people line, so to speak. Not that I need or want anything the Democrats, Republicans, or the entire government from city to federal have or claim they can offer me. I don’t want anything from them except to be left alone and taken off every mailing list and every other … Continue reading

The post No Fanfare for the Common Man appeared first on LewRockwell.

Do any of you believe that politicians write their own speeches? Their own books? Their own blogs? If so, please contact me if you’d like to buy the Golden Gate Bridge. I’ll sell it to you on a subprime mortgage or using Fannie Mac or Freddie Mae or whatever those places are with oatmeal-poundingly stupid names. I always thought Freddie Mac was a song from the early 1960s. And Fannie Mae sounds like that weird aunt that collects commemorative plates of United States presidents from late night TV infomercials. She says, “I’ll leave them to you in my will…” Thanks. I’ll serve pinto beans … Continue reading

The post I’m Hillificent Clonebama appeared first on LewRockwell.

I have observed very interesting phenomena. The people protesting the violence they say Trump’s supporters commit have outmatched them in terms of violence. Take for example the latest near riot and assaults against Trump supporters in San Jose. Wow! I guess you sure showed them to not engage in violence by committing even greater amounts of violence! Who do you people think you are, anyway? The United States government? I can tell you who these so-called “protestors” are. They’re from a loosely-knit coalition of various Far Left groups that often go by the name “The Black Block”. Now, they don’t … Continue reading

The post The Commie Rioters in San Jose appeared first on LewRockwell.

I suppose we’ve all overdosed on hearing “Freedom isn’t free!” for the past few days. Your humble scribe is pleased to report that freedom actually is free. It’s government that isn’t free. Yes, there is a difference. Even the founding documents of this nation agree that freedom isn’t bestowed upon us by the government via human sacrifice in some orgy of blood and violence, but from God. My Bible does not say that God received a purchase order from the United States government that sets them up as a vendor to sell freedom to us. Indeed, it is a government that … Continue reading

The post Good News About Central Governments appeared first on LewRockwell.

Suppose I saw you on the street and said, “Excuse me, but could you let me have a dollar to buy a loaf of bread?” And you said to yourself, oh, this is Jack, I’ll give him a buck. So you gave me the buck. But then suppose there was a tourist from Germany who was roaring drunk and belligerent and he asks me, “Hey man, I need another beer! Got a buck?” And then I gave him that dollar you just gave me and THEN I came back to you AGAIN and asked for ANOTHER dollar. Would you not … Continue reading

The post Smoking the Government Cheese appeared first on LewRockwell.

I think anyone with a sense for the obvious agenda hidden in plain sight but beneath media-minced deviled ham is that we are on the road to war. Not approaching the freeway exit that says “Gas-Food-Slaughter Next Exit” but actually on that exit and looking for the McMassacre. Why do I think this? Several reasons, among which are: Assad has been given until August 1st to step down. A second airliner out of Egypt has now blown up in mid-air rather all of the sudden and suspiciously, the first being several months back and now a second this week. ISIS … Continue reading

The post The Obvious Agenda Hidden in Plain Sight appeared first on LewRockwell.

People have asked me what political party I belong to, or what political philosophy I believe in. The answer to that is “none”. I believe in none of them at all. I have abandoned the government altogether and the political system as a whole. “Oh, really?! Then why do you write about them?” Because I have no proverbial “dog in the fight”, and I don’t really care who wins, be it an election or a war. I call it as I see it and, further, because I don’t really care what popular culture or society thinks, I am not bound by … Continue reading

The post I Renounce Politics appeared first on LewRockwell.

May I ask you a question? How’s this great economic recovery working out for you? It’s really affected the cardboard recycling market adversely, did you know that? Because everyone is raiding the cardboard recycling bins to get cardboard to make signs that say: “Hungry, please help” and “Spare change, anything will help”. Yeah, great economic recovery! If we recover any more, we’ll be asking the UN for food drops here. My wife and I were returning from Bisbee some weeks back and I looked over at the railroad mainline and see this siding with what looked to be hundreds of locomotives … Continue reading

The post As the Economy Goes Down the Toilet appeared first on LewRockwell.

Sometimes, well, no, often actually, I find myself wondering who’s dumber: The federal government or the people who depend on that government to tell them how to live their lives. Have you wondered what “healthy” food is? Look no further! The federal Food and Drug Administration is about to tell you! Have a peek. Now, these are the same folks who took six years to define what “gluten-free” means. Yes, we all know the true definition is: “A scam designed to bilk the sheeple into paying more for cheap, rice-based snack foods.” My gosh, do you know that flippin’ carrots … Continue reading

The post Does a Killer Care for Your Health? appeared first on LewRockwell.

I thought I’d seen it all as far as government stupidity until I started seeing headlines in the newspaper here in Tucson that read: “Another Bighorn Sheep Killed”. At first, I thought this was poachers. But, no, it was mountain lions doing what they do, which is kill animals to eat them. Yet, here goes the newspaper reporting this like it’s a murder and not what it really was, which is Nature’s version of a take-out dinner. Excuse me, but why is a mountain lion eating dinner a front-page story? I’ll tell you why. The Arizona Game and Fish Department, … Continue reading

The post Government Loves To Pull the Trigger appeared first on LewRockwell.

The United States body count for drug overdoses in 2014 was 47,000 people. Gosh, folks, that’s almost as high as the KIA from the Vietnam War and that took about ten years to rack up! Gee, now do ya think we really live in “the greatest nation on Earth” when so many people are seeking to escape it using drugs that result in the ultimate check-out time? Have a peek at this article. The safe-injection site argument has been going on for over two decades now that I am personally aware of. Let’s say that the debate has been going … Continue reading

The post Why Worry About the Drug War’s Junkies? appeared first on LewRockwell.

There’re three questions strangers pose to me that cause me to lose hope in the long-term viability of the human race. The first one is, “Did you watch (insert lame TV show or sports game/program here) on TV last night?!” The second is, “Hey, you gonna play the Powerball?! The lottery is up to ten million bucks!” And third and last is, “Who are you voting for?” Ok, in order: Television is the best circus to pacify and entertain the masses since the Roman Coliseum went Chapter 11. If anyone thinks the government isn’t telling you what they wish you to … Continue reading

The post Play Lotto or Vote appeared first on LewRockwell.

Well, well, well…check out former politician Dennis Hastert. Evidently, the man was doing to teen boys what him and his political co-workers do to the entire country. Not to minimize the crimes for which this former member of the political overlords has been convicted, which are disgusting, horrifying, and deserve a lot more jail time than this fat cat got. Evidently, former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert “earned” the dubious honor of being one of the highest-ranking politicians in American history to be sentenced to prison. As if this dude got a REAL prison sentence for the crimes!!! Hastert pleaded guilty last fall to trying … Continue reading

The post Some Criminals are More Equal Than Others appeared first on LewRockwell.

Well, I hear tell it’s official: They’re going to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. Then supposedly, move the portrait of Andrew “The Architect of the Trail of Tears” Jackson to the flip side, effectively making the proverbial “double-headed coin” of nickel-and-dime bunco scams a reality. But why should we expect less than this from the United States government? I suppose this move will satisfy the need to have chicks on the money. Every progressive will feel swell and celebrate over quinoa crunch and circle the Priuses for an LED “bonfire” and sing-along. Ok, that’s cool and all, but … Continue reading

The post Put Soapy Smith on the Twenty appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’ve gotten some emails from folks asking my opinion on “How’s it all going to end?” As in, what major crisis is going to finally cause the American Giant to fall down and go boom? Guess what? There won’t be a major crisis that does it. It’s going to be a slow cascade reaction of crisis and disasters. What’s more, it has already begun. We’ve already seen several of these disasters. More are on the way. The end has begun and is upon us. Now, if you want to see what it will look like, have a look at Detroit. … Continue reading

The post The End Is Not Near appeared first on LewRockwell.