Hey, did you know in Texas, it’s illegal to possess an Erlenmeyer flask without a permit from the government? What’s an Erlenmeyer flask? It’s that glass conical-bottom, narrow-necked flask you see in all the science labs. Remember high school science class? So why is a piece of science lab equipment illegal without das paperwerken from das government? Because it’s allegedly used to manufacture illegal drugs. Well, gosh, so are a lot of things! But this is a thing I have mentioned before here and now would like to expand on: Local government is often the most tyrannical because they can … Continue reading

The post All Government Is Evil and Laughable appeared first on LewRockwell.

Well, prepare yourself for cost overruns, out-of-the-box failures, book-cooking, and test trial fakery! The United States Army is looking for a new weapon! This time, they’re looking for a new pistol to replace the M-9 that replaced the perfectly good M1911A1. I think we can all see how this one will turn out. Whoever shows the army brass the best time at five-star restaurants and cathouses and provides the best season tickets for ball games will win the bid. Who knows, we could end up with a .25ACP as the new service pistol if the manufacturers of that stopping power … Continue reading

The post Pistol Shootout at the Cost-Overrun Corral appeared first on LewRockwell.

Have any of you heard of a federal entity called “The Office of Legacy Management”? Unless you’ve traveled through the American Southwest, you probably haven’t. This is a federal agency that is ensconced in the Department of Energy and is in charge of remediating the old uranium mines and mills that the federal government left behind as a “legacy” of the Cold War and the Manhattan Project that preceded it. The Department of Energy is where the feds stashed the old and infamous Atomic Energy Commission and renamed them because the brand-name was so deeply associated with atmospheric nuclear testing. … Continue reading

The post America’s Nuclear Cold War Casualties appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’m afraid I’ve got some pretty bleak news for everyone though it shouldn’t be a surprise. We’re in some pretty serious deep dookey right now. Most people aren’t even aware of it. The United States government would like us to believe this cease-fire over in Syria has given us closure so we can move on now. Except this isn’t the amicable ending of a relationship, like the celebrities running our government think always works out in the end with both people finding snazzy new “life partners” or some-such. Understand this: ISIS has not given up or conceded that they are … Continue reading

The post I’ve Got Some Bleak News for Everyone appeared first on LewRockwell.

By now, people know that I say some controversial things. I can’t help it; it’s who I am. Ok, so, try this one on for size: Democracy is a scam. What?! Did he really just say democracy is a scam?! Yes, he did. And he shall explain. Now, I walk around the great city of Tucson here because I am on foot most of the time. I am a wayfarer. It seems that Political Season is in the air here. You know this time of the year: Severe BS allergies acting up, big piles of fallen lies littering the ground, the Dumbocracy … Continue reading

The post Democracy Is a Scam appeared first on LewRockwell.

So I saw this article in the news talking about how the Wounded Warriors Project charity that works for injured U.S. military personnel and veterans is under scrutiny for alleged financial oopsie-daisies like lavish parties and so on. In other words, they were using the donations for a bit more than wounded warriors. But my question is this: Why is this any different than anything else along these lines? Humor me for a moment here. How is this different than Veteran’s Day Sales and Memorial Day Sales? Think about it for a minute. Better yet, let’s have some truth in … Continue reading

The post All Are Wounded by War appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’ve noticed that a great ice-breaker at social gatherings is when people ask who you’re backing in the elections, you reply with: “I don’t vote.” This generally results in one of the most well-worn expressions in American history. It’s so worn that if it was a coin, you wouldn’t see what emperor, er, a president is on the coin. That expression is: “Men DIED for your right to vote!” Oh, did they now? That’s funny because I thought they died for a ridiculous foreign policy decision of the United States government. Or some ill-advised “theory” like the “Domino Theory” or … Continue reading

The post Men Died for Your Right To Vote? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Ok, I’m probably going to step on a few toes here, but, whaddya want from me? Have a gander at this article. Now, I’ve been noticing this “service animal” crap for some time now. I saw this lady with five teacup poodles in her shopping cart at the supermarket, and all had these bogus “service animal” vests on. I mean, come on, lady, what are these five runts going to do? Dial 911 and do mouth-to-mouth? Or is that muzzle-to-mouth? Oh, right! These are “emotional support dogs”! Excuse me, but when did we become a nation of such helpless weenies that we … Continue reading

The post Service Dogs appeared first on LewRockwell.

Here we are again! Tax time is now upon us and lots of folks are getting robbed by the federal government because they didn’t sign up for ObamaCare. I know this guy who just got dinged a whopping $631 bucks on his tax return because he could not afford ObamaCare on his income. But, get this! He SAVED MONEY!!!! Because had he signed up for Obama’s pig-dung-in-a-poke health care scam, this dude would have lost more than twice that amount of money! But next year, he won’t be so lucky because the ObamaCrap penalty will skyrocket to something like $1300 … Continue reading

The post The Whole Camel Is in the Tent appeared first on LewRockwell.

I read an article this morning penned by a rather well-known country-rock singer. Mr. Celebrity was rather unhappy that the United States did not go to war with Russia over Crimea and the alleged humiliation of the United States by the Iranian capture of a U.S. Navy bathtub toy that had some unfortunate Popeyes on board who discovered the government GPS they were issued needed batteries or something. I find myself wondering why celebrities feel they are somehow more able to see where military force is required, or what justifies throwing away tens of thousands of American lives and slaughtering millions of others in the ongoing … Continue reading

The post The Biggest, Most Evil Institution on Earth appeared first on LewRockwell.

Well, here we are again, America. Have a look at the latest indicator we live in the “greatest nation on Earth”. Another two teens commit suicide. Two fifteen-year-old girls, very similar to the incident that garnered national headlines before it that I talked about here in Lew Rockwell. See here. I want to be crystal clear: I am not blaming the parents here in these incidents. These parents need our prayers. But guess what? So does our society. But the professional experts and talk show circuit riders will surely tell us what we want to hear so we can watch more violence and amoral hogwash afterward. Again, … Continue reading

The post Americans Outsource Their Children to the Government appeared first on LewRockwell.

Things are getting hot again over in Syria, and not just because of the weather. Russia just said that if the United States jumps into the war in Syria, it’ll end up being the Third World War! Now, there’s no reason to believe that Russia can’t make good on that threat. This is a superpower, even though the United States likes to engage in the make-believe that they lost that coveted title when the Soviet Union collapsed. I fear that the threat of another world war might be too good an offer for the United States government to pass up. “What?! We could … Continue reading

The post Turning Over the Death Card appeared first on LewRockwell.

Once in a while, you see a small thing that perfectly illustrates the bigger problems as a whole. When my wife and I first moved here to Tucson (Yeah, I know, my bio isn’t updated, I’m working on it), we started getting people coming to the door offering landscaping services. I’m somewhat puzzled because I’m thinking, we’re in a desert here. What’re they going to do, move rocks around in the sand we call a front yard? Cactus is pretty much self-sufficient, the ultimate “minimalist” of plants that doesn’t need or want any mollycoddling or fussing about. A cactus needs … Continue reading

The post A Weed Grows in Tucson appeared first on LewRockwell.

I was asked this morning if I watched the Iowa Caucus, whatever dog-and-pony show that was in our political process. I replied, no, because I have not had a television for over twenty years. I evicted it for non-payment of reality and worth. I haven’t missed it. People say, “How do you know what’s going on??!!” Easy. I say, well, I’m guessing we’re at war somewhere, there’s been some natural disaster someplace else, some horrific crime in some state, politicians in some scandal, and products advertised you can easily make yourself. Am I right. “Uh…well…yeah…”, they reply. In the time … Continue reading

The post It’s Midnight, America appeared first on LewRockwell.

Hey, remember back in school there was always this one teacher that seemed to hate kids? Remember that guy? His name was Mr. Fenstermopper or Mr. MacDoogle or something like that. No one knew if he had a first name and he always appeared to have gotten his teaching credentials from the Third Reich. In fact, rumor around school was that he was a fugitive Nazi war criminal that came over on Operation Paperclip and probably went renegade. No rockets for you, American military! Right, so remember this cat? How you’d get this teacher and think, “Why is this dude even … Continue reading

The post An Equal-Opportunity Tyrant appeared first on LewRockwell.