Is it just me, or has anyone noticed that much of America today is one endless chain of asinine fads perpetuated by the television and social media? Further along, has anyone noticed that this endless chain of serial fads carries over into our politics? It’s almost as if our political system is just an aspect of Facebook with people posting photos of their pet political candidates doing dumb tricks and wearing ridiculous hats. Followed by the ubiquitous comments: “OMG! He so cuuute, lol!” and “ROTFLMAO!! Where did U find such cute candidate? 2 cool!” Am I alone in my nausea … Continue reading

The post Live! From Washington! appeared first on LewRockwell.

Lots of people out there are getting too attached to the upcoming 2016 Presidential Elections. Hey, guys, guess what? We’ve still got pretty much a year left of the plain-wrap mac-n-cheese of presidents. Well, that’s not fair to say. Plain wrap mac-n-cheese actually delivers what the box says and doesn’t deliver things you didn’t pay for or want. Look, I hate to rain on peoples’ parades, well, actually, no I don’t. Just call me Stormy. But there’s a lot of damage this dude can do in the meantime! How many executive orders can Obama pass in the meantime? Right. To … Continue reading

The post Whoopie, Yeah, Whatever… appeared first on LewRockwell.

I see that the movie “The Revenant” is up for 12 Academy Awards. Evidently, it’s a very popular movie. For those unaware, this movie is about the famous mountain man Hugh Glass who survived a grizzly bear attack and killed the bear with a Green River knife. People say it was a “bowie knife”, but I would tend to think it was more along the lines of a Green River since that was the one the mountain men carried. But, ok, moving right along. America loves mountain man movies. Why? Stick with me here. “The Revenant” is up for 12 … Continue reading

The post Real Mountain Men appeared first on LewRockwell.

The news finally can’t help the German government cover up the mass sexual assault of German women by “immigrants” anymore. Now the news states that Finland was tipped off that there was actually a conspiracy sent out by tweets and texts to do it there and they caught three of them in the act over there. What’s right is right, so with my usual candor, something needs to be said about this. First, about refugees and immigrants. You know what, guys? Nobody owes you asylum, got that? It is basically an act of mercy and compassion, since you are coming from a … Continue reading

The post You’re Not Owed Asylum appeared first on LewRockwell.

I got a couple emails that asked me, “Hey, don’t you think we NEED a military?! What are we going to do if we’re attacked?!” Very well. I’ll play. Pay attention, boys and girls. Get up and make coffee and settle in for a nice winter’s chat. NUMBER ONE: The reason we end up being “attacked” in this day and age is because we stick our rather big nose into everyone else’s business. Listen, we all cannot stand neighbors that do that, so how much more would another country hate that behavior? Especially when it comes in the form of killing … Continue reading

The post No, We Don’t Need This Bloated Military appeared first on LewRockwell.

In case you needed any more evidence as to why you should not volunteer to lose your life, body parts, or mind, have a look at this article. Ok, so, what does that mean? It means that if you do not get the Golden Ticket to the Willy Wonka VA system (aka the Magic Paper, aka the Honorable Discharge), then you basically get a piece of McPaper that follows you everywhere you go. It’s like having a felony, in other words. What the article didn’t tell you is that even if you DID get an Honorable Discharge Magic Paper, but served … Continue reading

The post Here’s Your New Year’s Resolution appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’ve written a lot of “doom and gloom” pieces here forecasting various cataclysms and so forth. However, with Christmas time approaching, I thought it would be a nice time to talk about good things that bring good will towards men, and peace on Earth. 1.) COFFEE: I wrote an article here about this life-giving elixir some time ago, back when Starbucks was trying to do a race-relations coffee klatch. I mean, seriously, what were we going to do—order coffee black and feel like a racist for doing so? Meanwhile, here in Arizona, there was an uproar when Starbucks had plain … Continue reading

The post Merry Christmas! appeared first on LewRockwell.

“Air raid sirens wail, are you listening…in the lane, tanks are glistening…a frightening sight, we’re paranoid tonight…walking in a police state wonderland!” Wow, hasn’t the government put a lot of thought into this Christmas? I bet the argument this year won’t be over whether or not a Nativity scene can be put up in front of the courthouse, but if it’s appropriate to dress them all in SWAT team uniforms and put a surveillance camera in the manger. I bet they’ll have a B-52 bomber pulled by eight tiny reindeer. Frosty the Snowman is already a “person of interest” because he’s going … Continue reading

The post The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is… appeared first on LewRockwell.

I love it! Turkey just got called out on their crap by Russia! Have a look at this article. Enjoy! “The main consumer of this oil stolen from its legitimate owners Syria and Iraq is Turkey,” Russian deputy defence minister Anatoly Antonov tells us. But pay attention to what else he said: “According to available information, the highest level of the political leadership of the country, President Erdogan and his family, are involved in this criminal business.” He also said, “In the West, no one has asked questions about the fact that the Turkish president’s son heads one of the biggest … Continue reading

The post NATO Protects ISIS appeared first on LewRockwell.

Hmmm…so, then, what exactly are “unilateral operations” anyway? I bet we’d all like to know. Evidently, that’s what the U.S. military SOCOM operators will be up to in Syria. Oops, I mean, they’ll be based in Iraq. But they’ll enter into Syria from time to time. What, like door-to-door salesmen? See the article here. First things first. Number one: The Syrian government has not approved of these jokers going back and forth into Syria doing who-knows-what. I wonder how the U.S. would like it if the Mexican government decided it could send covert ops troops into the United States to … Continue reading

The post It’s the Vietnam War Show! appeared first on LewRockwell.

Here we go again. Another mass shooting incident. And, also again, here go the usual calls to ban this or that firearm or enact more hoops to jump through to buy one. I said in a previous article here that the reason these mass murder events take place is because violence is taught to society as a solution for any problem. I stand by that observation. I say it is being proven each time one of these events takes place. First of all, the social fabric is coming unraveled. Now, by social fabric, I mean a set of values and morals … Continue reading

The post Don’t Glorify Government Violence appeared first on LewRockwell.

I guess the world is heading into the basement to find dad’s old 45 record of “Eve of Destruction” right about now. But the eastern world exploding is courtesy of the red, white, and blue, to paraphrase a more recent song. Get a load of SecState Kerry over here! Hey, John. John! The time to urge calm was BEFORE a Russian plane got shot down. As in, weeks ago when Turkey first threatened doing that. Russia has already retaliated with some economic sanctions against Turkey, demonstrating that NATO isn’t the only kid on the block that can build a treehouse and … Continue reading

The post ISIS Oil appeared first on LewRockwell.

Hey, remember back in those “good ol’ days” we called the Cold War when we thought World War Three would begin over some penny-ante border skirmish in Europe? You know, a Soviet plane gets close to the border, we panic, it gets shot down. Then the Soviets decide to shoot down the next plane that tries that again. Then it escalates from there. Well, folks, have a look at this. There. Putin just placed some long-range surface-to-air missiles in Syria. The next Turkish F-16 pilot to play Top Gun is going to get a hotfoot he’ll never forget. Ok, but let’s get … Continue reading

The post War With Russia To Defend ISIS? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Uh-oh…it’s happened. Turkey shot down a Russian Air Force plane. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Enjoy that turkey, pardon the many-fold pun. It might be our last. Russia says there will be serious consequences, and I don’t doubt that. One of the pilots was killed and the other might be captured. See the article here. Now, from here, it looks like the Turks were working with some al-Qaida forces in the area. The Russian plane was supporting Syrian troops which have been on the offensive in an area controlled by several rebel forces including al-Qaida’s branch … Continue reading

The post Turkey Shoot appeared first on LewRockwell.

In Buddhism, it is taught that things do not simply happen. Causes and conditions lead up to them: This is because that is, and that is because this is. Even something like a hurricane doesn’t just happen; a series of weather causes and conditions leads up to it. This is a universal truth. The Bible tells us that whatsoever a person sows, so shall he reap. And: A man does not pick figs from thistles. Here we are, once again, beating the war drum here in America. As if France doesn’t have their own military to pursue a military solution … Continue reading

The post What Caused ISIS? appeared first on LewRockwell.