Talking about focusing on SUVs is one thing, but killing an entire sedan lineup is quite another. However, that’s what Ford’s decided to do as it lays out new plans for the future. Wednesday, Ford announced that it will phase out sedans from its North American lineup in favor of trucks and SUVs. So that means we won’t see future generations of the Fusion, Taurus, C-MAX, and Fiesta. The automaker broke the news to shareholders as it reported a $1.7 billion profit in the first quarter of 2018. Only the Ford Mustang and a new Focus Active crossover coming in 2019 will survive. “You can’t just … Continue reading

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A Dallas listener called last week because his car was damaged by a hailstorm that passed through North Texas recently. He wasn’t sure what to do with his car and it reminded me that spring is here and hail and storms could impact many of our listeners. When driving in the rain, you need to exercise greater caution than usual because your reaction time and sight will be decreased.  Here are some tips to help you weather the storms: RAINY DAY DRIVING TIPS Be cautious of “hydroplaning” During heavy rainfall, your tires might ride on water atop the pavement. This is known as hydroplaning, and … Continue reading

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We had a caller last weekend who was confused about residual values on a lease, and whether that amount could be negotiated at the beginning or end of the lease. One of the problems with the car business is that it has its own language, and often people in the car business use their internal terms when talking to consumers.  Most people today know that “upside down” means they owe more on their car than its value, but not too many years ago, it was a bit of a mystery term. Car leasing has a language all its own, too.  I am going to … Continue reading

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We had a radio show caller wanting to know if he could purchase a car these days without start/stop technology.  He was concerned about the long-term effect on a car’s engine, and, frankly, just didn’t like it.  As I explained, the technology is still so new, it is hard to say whether start-stop systems will cause problems or not, but I have had the same concerns. How Stop-Start Systems Work If you are not familiar with this system, simply put, when you come to a stop, like a red light, the engine shuts down, but essential other components continue to run, like the air conditioning … Continue reading

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A Houston listener asked last week about getting his car ready for summer driving.  It seems to sneak up on us every year. Suddenly we look up and for many, it’s summer and the thermometer is hitting triple digits. For some people, depending on locale, that first 100-degree day is the start of a string of hot summer days that lasts for months, for others, August brings the hottest temps. Either way, this is is a tough time of year for your car, but there are things you can do to help your car get through the summer season. 1. Check … Continue reading

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We had a nice lady caller this past Saturday with buyer’s remorse. She bought an SUV only to find out, it was not comfortable and it was too hard to get in and out of.  Odds are, she took a short test drive and did not spend enough time in the car before buying it. Avoid Buyer’s Remorse with a Proper Test Drive It happens way too often.  People go out and buy themselves a new vehicle, and within 72 hours they realize they don’t like it or it doesn’t fit their family or some other issue.  It is called buyer’s remorse, and in … Continue reading

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If you own a late model car or truck, and you’ve been in a wreck, you may still be shaking your head over the repair bill. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) says today’s vehicles are loaded with expensive parts and technology that increase the costs of repairs, even in what may be considered a minor accident. But some people are making a pretty penny off of those increasingly more expensive car parts, namely car thieves. Car Thefts Up Again The National Insurance Crime Bureau says car thefts rose again last year, up by more than four percent according to … Continue reading

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I began working at a Ford dealership in Dallas when I was 15.  I started in the make ready department: washing cars, installing hubcaps, and installing mirrors on trucks.  It was also my job to make sure the lot looked good and all the vehicles were lined up straight.  I worked daily in the summer, but when school started again I worked Saturdays and Monday-Friday evenings from 4 to 9 PM. When I graduated high school, I attended Northwood University to get an associates degree in automotive marketing.  I went to class from 8 to Noon, drove to the dealership and worked 1 PM … Continue reading

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We had a caller this weekend asking about spending several thousand dollars on his vehicle just before trading it in.  I have some tips for prepping your car for trade-in. Like most things in life, the more you put into something, the more you get out of it. The same is true when you get your car ready to use as a trade-in. I will tell you some things you need to do, and also things not to do, which in this case, is equally important. Remember the first time you saw your spouse or significant other? He or she caught your eye, and … Continue reading

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On last Saturday’s Car Pro Show, we had a number of callers who identified themselves as senior citizens who were considering leasing for the first time. I explained on the air that as we age, our mobility becomes more and more important and, frankly, precious.  For many seniors, they have never given much thought to leasing a vehicle, many grew up in a time this just wasn’t done.  However, it should be considered, along with the purchase option.  It is wise to look at both in-depth to make the right decision. Here are some of the reasons I think senior citizens should look at leasing … Continue reading

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[Editor’s note: This article has been updated with new information and for comprehensiveness since its original posting date.] Lots of people will be entering the finance office of a car dealership in the coming days, since we are here at the end of the month and year, also the busiest week of the year.  The finance office can be a scary place for many people, but there really is nothing to fear if you take your time and pay attention. Many Buyers Like The Convenience Of Dealerships More people are using dealerships to finance these days due to aggressive incentives and very low … Continue reading

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We had a perplexed radio show caller last Saturday who found the perfect car at one of the used car only dealerships, but he knew it was overpriced. I can’t help but chuckle to myself when someone tells me he or she bought a vehicle from a place that doesn’t negotiate prices and had a wonderful experience.  My first thought is always: of course!  You can have a wonderful experience at any car lot in America if you pay what the dealer is asking for any given car.  The contentious nature of car buying started 100 years ago when some salesperson discounted … Continue reading

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Looking for the perfect gift for the car lover, commuter or techie in your life? Look no further than the 2017 Car Pro Holiday Gift Guide. Here are our 13 picks both to give and to receive. Nonda ZUS Smart Tire Safety Monitor: $99.99 Sure, many newer cars have built-in tire pressure monitoring systems, but chances are they’re not as sophisticated as this one. Not to mention many older cars don’t have TPMS at all. That said, we bring you the Nonda ZUS Smart Tire Safety Monitoring system. It caught our eye among a sea of systems because this one … Continue reading

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Two of the biggest holidays for vehicle thefts are just around the corner: New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. They are among the top five holidays targeted by car thieves according to new data from the National Insurance Crime Bureau. Researchers looked at 2016 theft numbers. 22,705 vehicles were stolen over the 11 holidays included in the report. (Overall in 2016, a total of 803,719 vehicles ended up in the wrong hands.) As you can see from the chart below, Halloween was the top holiday for vehicle thefts. Next up, Labor Day, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, and New Year’s Eve. Buy … Continue reading

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Are you hitting the malls on Black Friday?  If so, be careful where you park!  Holiday shopping season presents many challenges. Tracking down this season’s hottest gifts or negotiating mall traffic may seem like the biggest perils you’ll encounter, but be wary of the real dangers that occur in the mall parking lot. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1 in 10 property-related thefts occur in parking lots. Follow these rules, and you can avoid becoming part of that group. 1. Chose your parking spot wisely Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts At the risk of stating the … Continue reading

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