I live in a condominium. We own the land between the 27 buildings and the pavement in common and own only our individual units separately. This is a very analogous situation to US citizens owning private property as well as public property via government. The condominium association has rules about people coming onto the common property. There’s fencing around 95+% of the property. At times we have had homeless people sleeping in our hallways, clusters of teenagers gathered on our property, solicitors, drug sellers, prostitutes, vandals, flashers, and others who are not owners or guests but trespassers. This alien culture … Continue reading

The post Culture Matters appeared first on LewRockwell.

This is the way things look to me. The left—those folks who I had mistakenly thought were supposed to be opposed to the status quo—have strangely sided with the establishment powers-that-be since Donald Trump won the election. Buy Gold at Discounted Prices And as bad as Trump is—draining the swamp with one hand, and filling it with the other—he has at least at times engaged in some swamp draining! Further these people have the audacity to call themselves “The Resistance”! I’m not sure this has happened before. A group of rabble rousers rallying to the cause of the Status Quo? … Continue reading

The post We’re Living in the Bizzaro World appeared first on LewRockwell.

Disgusted by the prospect of Hillary Clinton and/or Donald Trump having the power of the presidency? I certainly am. And for full disclosure here, I don’t think any individual should have the powers that have accrued to the president over this country’s development. As has often been stated, “It’s not the abuse of power, it’s the power to abuse” that we should worry about. Even with some substitute candidates we’d still face the power to abuse problem. But there is one solution to this problem:  Fifty state secession from the United States! Why not? After all, the then 13 states … Continue reading

The post The 50-State Solution appeared first on LewRockwell.