If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, 1 Timothy 2:1-2 is the last refuge of a warmongering, conservative Christian. In those verses, oft repeated in the fellowship halls of American churches, Paul instructs Timothy to pray for a Republican president, congress, and courts. And, most importantly, an overly strong military that will shine as the beacon from our city upon a hill. That is the quintessential conservative Christian prayer – or so it seems at time. However, the full passage from Paul’s powerful instruction reads much differently: 2 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be … Continue reading

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Dear SJW: You are young in this world, likely with little knowledge of history or political theory.  The social and political movements of the past eight years – your formative years – brought forward changes you deemed progressive. Changes you truly believed would continue endlessly. You saw Hillary Clinton as the next guiding voice, the one to take you into what your high school teachers and college professors prophesized as the promised land. It mattered little that this march forward trampled on rights of others – those still clinging to what your teachers and professors derided and termed variously as … Continue reading

The post An Open Letter to Young SJWs appeared first on LewRockwell.

Maybe it’s not cognitive dissonance, but there is something allowing my Christian brethren to accept, without unease, views that hold an internal contradiction. This morning, I had to run a quick errand on my way to work. Before that stop, I listened to the host of a Christian talk show express her concerns and fears over the recent and forthcoming effects of decrees emanating from DC. She told her audience that, in essence, government is now hostile to our beliefs. Be prepared, but have faith, was her advice. I fully agreed with her, thinking that she has finally seen the … Continue reading