Jim, your faithful servant, here . . .  I am in 16D at 39,000 feet on the 6:58 a.m. flight out of Leon to Dallas . . . the plane is American Airlines’ standard issue “shitwagon,” the toy plane they fly on this stretch on the days they don’t have enough passengers to use a real aircraft. Today is one of those days . . .  I woke, as I often do, at 3 a.m. with the expectation my driver would appear at 3:45 to take me to the airport.  I know this because the same service has shuttled me back and forth for a dozen … Continue reading

Last Rumble In Fat City (For All Of Us); Never Apologize, Never Explain; Whooping It Up With the War Junkies; More Notes On The Death Of The American Dream; Get Out While You Can  . . . Hunter S. Thompson died 10 years ago this afternoon when a .45 caliber bullet fired from a Smith & Wesson Model 645 he was holding passed through his brain. He wanted it that way. Hunter was a profoundly gifted writer, sportsman, gun lover, and cultural icon.  Mostly he was my mentor.  No one affected my view of life more profoundly than he did.  … Continue reading

I write this sitting on my rooftop in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.  The temperature is 72 degrees F.  The sky is blue and cloudless.  There is an occasional light breeze.  By all accounts, life is dead solid perfect.  And I am not the only one to have made that observation.  Indeed, San Miguel has been voted and described by a myriad of publications as the best city in the world in which to live.  (http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/16/travel/cn-traveler-top-cities/)  Having resided here in the land of eternal Spring for 13 years, I agree.  In fact, I would like to spend the rest of … Continue reading