On April 23rd, 2018, the eve of the 103rd anniversary of Armenian Remembrance Day, Armenia’s president recently turned Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan resigned from his newly created post after over a decade in control leading the Yerevan government. His Republican Party still holds 96 of the 105 parliamentary seats in the Republic. Just two Mondays prior to Serzh Sargsyan’s surprise resignation, another purportedly unrelated Sargsyan named Armen was quietly sworn into office as the new Armenian figurehead president in literal “same as the old boss” irony, in surname if not more. Western media coverage of the massive Armenian protests prior to the prime minister’s historic announcement was … Continue reading

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The alternative press tends to view the ruling elite as one monolithic centralized amalgamation of robber baron bankers and oil moguls personified by a handful of elitist bloodlines like the Rothschild and Rockefeller families, together wielding near-absolute power over all their Fortune 500 corporate monopolies (including the 6 mega media giants for 90% optimal information control) as well as national oligarchic governments (through legalized bribery) as a means to further enslave and micro-control the global masses. Though this world-view may largely be accurate, it fails to take into account the not so nuanced dynamic presently rearing its ugly head, manifesting … Continue reading

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Until a few weeks ago no one in North America even heard of journalist-blogger Alexander Lapshin. He lives primarily in Moscow but as a Russian-Israeli-Ukrainian citizen possessing three passports, Lapshin is a globetrotter who writes a blog called “Life Adventures” for the popular travel website LiveJournal. In Russia, his on the road stories to off the beaten path, unusual places around the world (122 in all) have generated quite a following for their colorful and humorous portrayal of life as a foreign tourist visiting various diverse cultures and locations. But the 40-year old Lapshin is in the political hot water … Continue reading

The post Another Armenian Genocide? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Until a few weeks ago no one in North America even heard of journalist-blogger Alexander Lapshin. He lives primarily in Moscow but as a Russian-Israeli-Ukrainian citizen possessing three passports, Lapshin is a globetrotter who writes a blog called “Life Adventures” for the popular travel website LiveJournal. In Russia, his on the road stories to off the beaten path, unusual places around the world (122 in all) have generated quite a following for their colorful and humorous portrayal of life as a foreign tourist visiting various diverse cultures and locations. But the 40-year old Lapshin is in the political hot water … Continue reading

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After three weeks as president, Donald Trump has turned out to be “same as the old boss,” definitely when it comes to US foreign policy. The short explanation is every US president merely plays a puppet figurehead role, taking his orders directly from the New World Order elite and their neocon surrogates, fast moving us towards one world government tyranny that will be the ultimate outcome of a simultaneous collapse of the global economy timed with the launch of another world war. Just as there was no difference between the same neocon interventionist aggression displayed under Obama and the war … Continue reading

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As the six anniversary of perhaps the world’s worst nuclear disaster in history (now rivaling Chernobyl) approaches next month, the worst radioactive conditions seen at the Fukushima nuclear power plant since the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami triple core meltdown are now dangerously spewing a record setting 530 sieverts an hour inside the reactor 2 containment vessel. To help put the enormity of this problem into perspective, the previous record was only 73 sieverts per hour. Exposure to just 10 sieverts can kill a human within weeks and levels at just .1 sievert significantly increase the risk of cancer. … Continue reading

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The violence shamefully on full display several nights ago at the UC Berkeley campus is an alarming reminder of just how far Americans have now gone astray in allowing the ruling elite to divide us. The repeated scenes of rioters viciously acting out their rampage determined to shut down free speech in America and deliver violent civil unrest to foment a national crisis in this divided nation is bent on undermining the Trump presidency. Unfortunately, this political violence is becoming increasingly common. Is America on the brink of a second civil war? This presentation explores this potentiality focusing on the … Continue reading

The post Overcome the Elite’s Divide and Rule appeared first on LewRockwell.

Virtually every current headline unequivocally shows how US Empire and its Ministry of Propaganda are lying to the American people. Those in power have been so exposed by alt-media in 2016 that they are growing more desperate by the day. Right now their biggest lie is blaming Putin and Russia for being behind everything gone wrong in the world according to the Obama-Clinton-Bush-CIA-Rothschild crime cabal. The latest claims assert that Putin’s hackers overturned the presidential election results in favor of Donald Trump and this whopper is currently being pushed as the flimsiest, last gasp excuse to spearhead its hollow “fake … Continue reading

The post MSM Fake News vs. the Truth appeared first on LewRockwell.

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell, Visionary Author Now that the rigged election circus is finally behind us and the United States as a fake democracy has been exposed as a complete fraud, along with its criminally complicit, fake mainstream media news predicting Hillary would be the next president, with a vengeance the elite has accelerated its war against internet alternative news as the one and only closest source of truth left available to the global masses. For ducking out from taking any honest responsibility for every scandal or shortcoming throughout … Continue reading

The post Fake News appeared first on LewRockwell.

Trump the Anti-Globalist Champion of the People? Many Americans who’ve been supporting President-elect Trump see him as the populist leader who will save America from ruin. Trump supporters have been unfairly marginalized and pigeonholed by the MSM broad stroke as white supremacy extremists bent on plunging America back into a new Jim Crowism era and a second Civil War along with a growing number of angry, uneducated, disenfranchised blue collar, mostly white male redneck loser types. Despite a spike in racist graffiti and vandalism since the election, this gross overgeneralization is the Hillary/Soros/Rothschild/MSM’s desperate attempt to discredit Trump’s victory while … Continue reading

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Last Friday just 11 days prior to the November 8th election, FBI Director James Comey dropped the bombshell of the entire election year, stating that he is reopening the Clinton internet server investigation over new “pertinent” emails found on disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Weiner is the husband of Hillary’s 20-year top aide and deputy campaign manager Huma Abedin. And as of Sunday evening, the Department of Justice and FBI obtained the warrant necessary to begin analyzing 650,000 emails (according to the Wall Street Journal) discovered by the FBI on Weiner’s laptop in the course of a separate investigation involving … Continue reading

The post Clinton Crime Cartel appeared first on LewRockwell.

This last Friday it became public record that FBI Director James Comey reopened the Hillary Clinton email server investigation after repeatedly testifying before Congress and the world up to last July that he’d closed the case, after in his words not finding sufficient evidence of “any criminal wrongdoing” to indict her in spite of her four years as Secretary of State egregiously breaching our national security, committing obstruction of justice and willful tampering with evidence, deleting 30,000 emails after receiving a court subpoena constituting destruction of evidence, not to mention repeatedly engaging in perjury before Congress and the FBI. But obviously, a federal investigation still in process in late June never stopped … Continue reading

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The Western media seizes every chance to twist the truth in favor of another round of Putin-bashing as it’s worn out flimsy excuse to escalate further hostilities against Moscow in order to trigger World War III. The pathological liars of the West never fail to deceitfully add fuel to their propaganda war machine fire. The latest hype is blaming a Russian airstrike for destroying a school in the rebel-held Idlib Province in northern Syria, killing 22 children and six teachers. Immediately the UN as the Washington vassal it is, through the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for added sensational effect … Continue reading

The post Another US False Flag? appeared first on LewRockwell.

“A populace deprived of the ability to separate lies from truth, is no longer capable of sustaining a free society.” Journalist Chris Hedges As the ruling elite pushes its rigged election, forcibly cramming crime boss Hillary down our gullets against the people’s choice or will, so goes suppression of information rapidly shutting off the truth spigot, leaving Americans high and dry, starved of honesty by their oligarchic owned and controlled crime cabal government. Signs that the globalists are panicking are visible every day as they aggressively provoke World War III timed with the collapse of their morally and financially bankrupted … Continue reading

The post The Power Elite’s War appeared first on LewRockwell.

“A populace deprived of the ability to separate lies from truth, is no longer capable of sustaining a free society.” Journalist Chris Hedges As the ruling elite pushes its rigged election, forcibly cramming crime boss Hillary down our gullets against the people’s choice or will, so goes suppression of information rapidly shutting off the truth spigot, leaving Americans high and dry, starved of honesty by their oligarchic owned and controlled crime cabal government. Signs that the globalists are panicking are visible every day as they aggressively provoke World War III timed with the collapse of their morally and financially bankrupted … Continue reading

The post The Power Elite’s War appeared first on LewRockwell.