Right now the US mainstream media is obsessing over Donald’s alleged womanizing and female groping soap opera as the Clinton’s/MSM’s pruriently entertaining smokescreen, neatly designed to cover up Hillary/Bill’s serial raping and her criminal lead role as enabler/strong armed intimidator of past victims. Meanwhile, barely noticed in a virtual media blackout in the West are at least a half-dozen high alert, significant international developments this last weekend that all strongly indicate the extreme danger of a nuclear war breaking out at any time against Russia and its Eastern alliance. Again, do not pay attention to the US deceivers behind their Oz-like curtain and their frenzied pushing … Continue reading

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At this 11th hour 59th minute while we’re still alive, we must do everything in our collective power as peace-loving citizens of the world to stop the madness bent on destroying life on planet earth. An unbroken stream of treasonous Washington neocons from the seamless Bush-Clinton-Obama ad nauseam regime is recklessly pushing humanity off the doomsday cliff. The DC despots have already lit the now burning fuse countdown to World War III against the Russian-Chinese-Iranian Eastern alliance. If we passively wait any longer, millions will soon be dying and our planet may lay in apocalyptic ruin. The US government teamed in criminal tandem with … Continue reading

The post US Lights the Fuse appeared first on LewRockwell.

As we move into the final month prior to this year’s presidential election, the tempo of dramatic world events and developments that are breaking daily is mind-boggling. Every single day we are seeing more outrageously desperate actions on the part of the globalists and their US government minions. Among the latest unfolding developments this week all fast tracking towards world war against Russia is NATO’s violation of international law deploying AWACS (Airborne Radar Warning and Control system) in Syria despite only Syria and Russia possessing the legal right to control the embattled country’s airspace. With both US and Turkish boots … Continue reading

The post What the Elite Will Do appeared first on LewRockwell.

Over the weekend the Western press is blasting Russia and Syria for alleged war crimes in their assault on the terrorist controlled part of East Aleppo. A typical headline from The Washington Post reads “the US accuses Russia of ‘barbarism’ and war crimes in Syria.” Meanwhile, the Long War Journal declares “the US hits another Islamic State chemical weapons facility in Iraq.” UK’s foreign minister Boris Johnson is crying foul that Russia should be investigated for war crimes. The Western media, of course, is now in high gear fanning the flames, charging Putin and Assad with war crimes due to apparent heavy civilian losses. Reports range … Continue reading

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Events in Syria over this last week have thoroughly shattered the Russian-US ceasefire agreement reached in Vienna on September 9th between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov. Last Saturday the US-led coalition comprised of US, Australian and UK fighter jets (2 F-16’s and 2 A-10’s) delivered four airstrikes on Syrian Arab Army troops near the ISIS besieged Syrian airbase in Deir ez-Zor, for the first time killing Syrian soldiers (estimates of 62-83 dead and up to 120 injured). Within 7 minutes after the Syrian troops occupying the high ground overlooking the nearby airbase were attacked, Islamic State militants … Continue reading

The post The US Assault on Syria’s Peace Process appeared first on LewRockwell.

Warring hotspots all over the world are flaring up in 2016 in what amounts to preparation for World War III between the military forces of the US-led Western Empire against the forces of the Eastern axis led by Russia and China joined by Iran and North Korea. Let’s be clear – the globalists are the puppet masters behind the Western forces intentionally provoking a catastrophic world war. We live in a time when the earth’s ruling elite has willfully created this foreboding, seemingly suicidal endgame scenario, using US Empire to prod, orchestrate, and push the world into two enemy camps … Continue reading

The post The Real Enemy of Both Koreas appeared first on LewRockwell.

Right out of the globalists’ population control playbook comes this year’s Zika virus. What the elite don’t want you to know is that the Zika virus has been around for 69 years. Until this year it was always known to be a relatively harmless virus with typical flu-like symptoms rarely if ever lethal. Yet in January 2016 all that changed overnight when the medical establishment and New World Order controllers unleashed Zika-mania hype as their latest fearmongering strategy designed to cause panic amongst the global population. It’s clearly another classic example of the Hegelian Dialectic at work where the ruling elite fictitiously identifies … Continue reading

The post The NWO Depopulation Agenda appeared first on LewRockwell.

New World Order propaganda rules and shapes the world. And there’s no more powerful propagator of propaganda that rules and shapes US global hegemony, world events and major geopolitical developments than the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). On its own website, the CFR describes itself as “an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher.” Two weeks ago the powerful organization celebrated its 95th anniversary since it’s been the most influential force dictating US foreign policy throughout the 20th century chauvinistically called “the American century” right into the present 21st aptly called the New World Order century. The CFR is financed by highly endowed, tax-exempt … Continue reading

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On July 12th, 2016 the UN arbitration decision against China’s claim of territorial islands based on “historical rights” ruled in favor of the Philippines, serving as the latest international war machine’s ratcheting up imminent all-out war. The Rockefeller financed United Nations as a globalist extension of American Empire’s dominance over the rest of the world is just another engineered US machination designed to instigate further conflict and tension as the latest face of Obama’s announced 2011 Asian pivot, pushing, prodding and provoking a high-risk military showdown against re-designated cold war enemy China being potentially pinned in on all sides by … Continue reading

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The latest mystery puzzle on the geopolitical chessboard is who was really behind that failed military coup to overthrow Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan over the weekend? Erdogan immediately blamed his former ally and now exiled enemy in Pennsylvania – the 75-year old Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen. The Turkish labor minister went so far as to charge the United States with inciting the quickly quelled “uprising” as described by both Erdogan and Western media. A rebel Turkish military faction seized two airports closing a third as well as closing both bridges over the Bosphorus Strait separating Asian Turkey from European Turkey, and launching … Continue reading

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If it’s not another false flag raging war on Islam, Russia, China or Iran, it’s another Soros-Obama false flag attempting to instigate race wars in America and beyond. With financial assistance from his oligarch friends, the most divisive president in US history continues pitting blacks against whites, feds against patriots, Americans against immigrants, Christians against Muslims, and on and on this divide and conquer script goes. Last week’s cop shooting in Dallas is the latest sick ploy to manipulate Americans into turning against one another, specifically designed to incite further civil unrest and violence across the nation. Our treasonous president can’t … Continue reading

The post Dallas Police Massacre and its Aftermath appeared first on LewRockwell.

Speculating and theorizing about the existence of yet undiscovered planets in our solar system has been bounced around for centuries. Prior to each new discovery of another outer planet has come detection of anomalies in the erratic, inexplicable motions of the outermost known planet. For instance, before Neptune’s existence was determined, for decades astronomers had been theorizing that Uranus’ (discovered in 1781) irregular movement may have been caused by the presence of yet another undiscovered planet. Indeed that was the case in 1846 when Neptune was first sighted and identified. The now dethroned ninth planet Pluto discovered in 1930 (relegated … Continue reading

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The bitter irony continues. While the latest over-the-top ploy to confiscate our guns domestically has the feds sloppily staging yet another mass shooting with no proof anyone died in Orlando – the biggest in US history at that, overseas they can’t seem to give away US guns and arms fast enough to America’s so-called enemies. What’s up with that? In the latest “we can’t find our weapons” saga, this time it’s the CIA’s turn to embarrassingly admit that a 2013 secret arms deal with our Middle East buddy Saudi Arabia that goes by the code name Timber Sycamore has gone … Continue reading

The post US Military Weapons Always End up in Enemy Hands appeared first on LewRockwell.

While the two leaders from Armenia and Azerbaijan met this week and agreed to comply with the treaty set forth that ended their bloody six-year war back in 1994, both action on the ground along the Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) Line of Contact as well as the fierce information and propaganda war belie purported reaffirmations made by both nations’ top politicians. No one can take the Vienna talks seriously anymore between Armenia’s President Sargsyan and Azeri President Aliyev for the precise reason that moments after they were agreeing to uphold another ceasefire yet more Azeri gunfire, grenade launchers, and mortar fire were killing yet another … Continue reading

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Five strong earthquakes have jolted Asia in the last several days. There have been 16 major earthquakes measuring 6.0 or higher in April alone and nine in the last seven days. The two biggest in this unprecedented wave of serious shakers just happened over the weekend in Ecuador with a mammoth 7.8 earthquake killing at least 77 people and a 7.0 in Kumamoto on Kyushu Island in southern Japan where three large earthquakes in three days have struck killing at least 41 people. Within the last two weeks, the tiny South Pacific island of Vanuatu alone has been hit with five major quakes. Four days … Continue reading

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