Compelling evidence is mounting daily of egregious war crimes committed by Azerbaijan’s military in the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh (NK). Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev launched an unprovoked large-scale military offensive during the early morning hours of April 2nd attempting to break through the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army’s contact line in attacks coming from three separate directions using mortars, rocket launchers, tanks, armored personnel carriers, surveillance and kamikaze drones and helicopters. Heavy Azeri shelling of Armenian residential areas destroyed civilian homes in several villages in both the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh as well as the Republic of Armenia. In NK’s Martuni region a 12-year … Continue reading

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In the early morning hours of April 1-2 Azerbaijan launched a major military offensive into the disputed region Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) that’s been controlled and defended by NK Armenian forces since the Russian-brokered truce ended a bloody three-year war in 1994. While Azeri President Ilham Aliyev was flying back to Baku after meeting 24 hours earlier with John Kerry in Washington who claimed “an ultimate resolution” had been reached, Azerbaijan was already once again at war with the NK Armenians. The surprise element combined with the full scale major military operation spearheading a three-pronged attack on Nagorno-Karabakh contact line from the … Continue reading

The post US Targets Christians, as Usual appeared first on LewRockwell.

Last Thursday US Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden met separately with Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian while the South Caucasus adversaries attended a 50-nation nuclear summit in Washington boycotted by Russian President Vladimir Putin. But no sooner did Kerry pronounce “an ultimate resolution” to the ongoing Azeri-Armenian dispute over the autonomous Nagorno-Karabakh (NG) enclave, while Aliyev was flying home the next day his Azerbaijani military was launching a major overnight offensive into the contested region marking the bloodiest fighting since Russia’s brokered truce that ended a three-year war back in 1994. … Continue reading

The post The Armenian Genocide Wasn’t Enough appeared first on LewRockwell.

As of this Saturday, February 27th, a peace proposal brokered by Russia and the United States is scheduled to take effect in Syria for one week. But if last Monday both the US and Russian presidents expressed hopeful optimism that the war in Syria might be coming to an end this Saturday, then why on Tuesday would Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain issue warnings to all its citizens in Lebanon to immediately evacuate as well as impose a travel ban to Lebanon. Beirut, Lebanon is located only 54 miles from Syria’s capital Damascus. Hence, an invasion force through … Continue reading

The post Another Deceitful Neocon War appeared first on LewRockwell.

Turkey’s been blasting away all month long shelling heavy artillery mortars from its side along the Turkish border killing Syrian National Army soldiers, Syrian Kurd forces (YPG), at least, one Russian advisor and defenseless civilians in border villages inside Syria. Widespread reportage of the ongoing daily Turkish artillery barrage into Syria was publicly confirmed by the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu since February 13th. Though a NATO member, longtime close US ally and next to Empire and Israel among the world’s leading partners-in-crime for state-sponsored terrorism, earlier this week Turkey was asked by Washington to cease its border aggression. Yet Turkish President Recep Erdogan has elected to defy … Continue reading

The post Turkey’s False Flag appeared first on LewRockwell.

No sooner out the gate with the closest caucus vote in Iowa history already on the books, the very first state tally of delegate votes leading to the 2016 presidential election bears strong indication of voter fraud. It’s been reported that Hillary Clinton instructed her staff in Iowa to rig the caucus voting by falsely standing in the O’Malley corner of the room when the final precinct hand counts are tallied. Since Martin O’Malley supporters fell drastically short with only about 1% of the required 15% “viability threshold” needed for his delegate votes in each precinct to be included in … Continue reading

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“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al-Qaeda, and any informed intelligence officer knows this. But, there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an intensified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the United States.” – Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook Since the deadliest terrorist attack in Asia on October 12th, 2002 at two Bali resort nightclubs killed 202 people targeting mostly Western tourists (88 Australians and seven Americans died) … Continue reading

The post More ISIS Terrorism in Indonesia? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Western federal governments, transnational corporations and the globalist agenda behind them have coalesced its reign of terror into one monolithically centralized authoritarian power that since 9/11 has obliterated centuries old constitutions that in the US all federal, military and law enforcement personnel took sworn oaths to protect and defend. What we now have are power hungry, oath-betraying despots dispersed around the globe who’ve demonstrated by their earthly misdeeds to be out-and-out traitors for failing to comply with both their oath – a criminal US offense in and of itself – as well as their national constitutions. But even more treasonous, … Continue reading

The post The Deep State’s Vicious Measures appeared first on LewRockwell.

“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.  – Josef Stalin Western national governments using their intelligence communities to collectively manufacture, orchestrate and stage violent world events promoting their endless war on terror and then employing their bought and paid for MSM propagandists to subsequently shape public opinion and perception has increasingly been the twenty-first century’s go-to menu utilized by the powers-that-shouldn’t-be. This presentation will provide a dot connecting overview that examines this unfolding process in detail showing how … Continue reading

The post New World Disorder appeared first on LewRockwell.

With the 115 year old tradition of the annual Army-Navy football classic on Saturday, the so-called “America’s game” and “rivalry for the ages” is now once again upon us. This occasion never fails to pay reverent homage to America’s so-called “cream of the crop” elitist military academies and always from the president to celebrities Americans give tribute to our armed forces. At this time we hear that familiar patriotic mantra “support our troops” mindlessly repeated. So it seems appropriate now to take a cold hard look to examine what it actually means to “support our troops.” As both a West Point graduate and critic of … Continue reading

The post Supporting the Troops appeared first on LewRockwell.

In true Orwellian doublespeak fashion, President Obama delivered a speech to the American people on Sunday night waging war on multiple fronts in the aftermath of the tragic San Bernardino shooting last Wednesday at a holiday party for county health workers that left fourteen dead and more than twice that number wounded. After taking undeserved credit for all his fake efforts at fighting ISIS, Obama then once again opportunistically rammed his gun control bandwagon down our throats to exploit America’s most deadly killing spree since Sandy Hook as a brazen ploy to finally gain some antigun momentum. Obama’s surface message focused … Continue reading

The post The Liar-in-Thief appeared first on LewRockwell.

In the last couple years US-NATO forces have intentionally pursued an aggressive path with a current trajectory leading humanity straight into World War III. In contrast to the West’s overt warmongering transgressions, the political, economic and military forces of the East in Russia and China have exercised far more prudent, defensive posturing that has demonstrated remarkable restraint, thus saving us from a potential nuclear holocaust that would certainly amount to the earth’s first known manmade caused mass life extinction. Scientists believe five prior planetary mass life extinctions were all the result of cataclysmic natural forces. This presentation will lay bare the suicidal and homicidal tendencies displayed by … Continue reading

The post Roadmap to WWIII appeared first on LewRockwell.

The sad truth is that in the new millennium, government propaganda prepares its citizens for war so skillfully that it is quite likely that they do not want the truthful, objective and balanced reporting that good war correspondents once did their best to provide. Phillip Knightley,  The First Casualty  Exposing the lies spewing forth from Washington and its MSM ministry of propaganda these days is a fulltime job entrusted to alternative media to report the deceptively hidden truth. The latest round of developments in the aftermath of last week’s Paris tragedy killing 129 people and injuring over 350 more innocent victims illuminates the … Continue reading

The post Terrorism Fallout appeared first on LewRockwell.

First we heard about the epidemic of sexual crimes being committed by US soldiers against women in our armed forces several years ago with over 26,000 cases reported in 2011 alone. Even such pristine, honorable institutions as our US service academies traditionally producing America’s top leaders are blatantly guilty. The Air Force Academy where supposedly this nation’s “cream of the crop” are educated apparently harbors more rapists than any other college in America. And that fact speaks volumes since last year’s headlines across the country uncovered the appalling statistics of a rape epidemic occurring on the campuses of America’s finest colleges and universities. Up to one in three … Continue reading

The post Government Rapists appeared first on LewRockwell.

The idiom “divide and conquer” is said to have originated with the Latin maxim “divide et impera” meaning divide and rule. Julius Caesar used it in reference to defeating the Gauls during the Gaelic War. While its first usage in the English language began circa 1600, through the centuries it’s carried a commonly understood meaning. The retention of power by utilizing a deliberate strategy of causing those in subordinate positions to engage in conflicts with each other that weaken and keep them from any unified effort to remove the status quo force from power. This policy of maintaining control over … Continue reading