The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that food poisoning from romaine lettuce harboring the bacteria E. Coli spread recently to 29 states and sent at least 150 people to the hospital. The areas involved include all parts of the country from Florida to North Dakota to California, and new cases are making it the worst E. Coli outbreak nationally since 5 people died and 200 were hospitalized in 2006. Although E. Coli is a common inhabitant of the intestinal tract, some strains, especially O157:H7,  produce a toxin known as “Shiga” that causes bloody diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, dehydration, and other … Continue reading

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In these days of smartphone distractions, you’re seeing more and more people oblivious of their surroundings. In the past, this might get you a bump on the head by walking into a lamp post. In today’s world, however, it could cost you your life. The NYC vehicular attack that killed 8 and injured a number of others is just the latest in a number of incidents by the deranged, disgruntled, and politically motivated.  These events occur with little warning. Yet, being situationally aware could prevent you from becoming a victim of a future vehicular terror event. Situational awareness involves understanding … Continue reading

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Recently, I watched a few episodes of “Naked and Afraid“, a series that puts two individuals in extreme environments with few supplies and, for some reason, no clothes. In this program, many of the participants come down with various infections; some of which cause bowel disturbances. Life then becomes, well, even more miserable than walking around for three weeks naked in the jungle. Epidemics characterized by diarrhea and dehydration have been a part of the human experience since before recorded history. Cholera is an example of one particularly dangerous infection that was epidemic in the past. It and other bacterial … Continue reading

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Many consider a nuclear attack an outlandish scenario to which only conspiracy theorists subscribe. Unfortunately, the threat of a nuclear incident, accidental or purposeful, exists, perhaps more than in recent years, due to recent developments in the Korean peninsula. Atomic weapons can decimate a population from thermal blasts, but it also causes illness and death due to exposure from radiation. Although populated areas have experienced detonations only twice, (Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945), nuclear reactor meltdowns and other events have occurred from time to time since then, such as in Fukushima in 2011 and Chernobyl in 1986. In an atomic … Continue reading

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In these days of Pokemon Go and other smartphone distractions, you’re seeing more and more people oblivious of their surroundings. In the past, this might get you a bump on the head by walking into a lamp post. In today’s world, however, it could cost you your life. As an Anglophile, I have often visited London and walked from my hotel to parliament and other sites via the Westminster bridge. Today, on the anniversary of the terrorist attack in Belgium, someone used a vehicle to mow down pedestrians on the bridge and then, apparently, left the car to continue a … Continue reading

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It’s been a very busy year for firefighters, with heat waves, drought, and human malice or carelessness causing large areas to burn from Canada to California. You may have heard me say that you probably won’t  be affected by a disaster today, tomorrow, or next week; over a lifetime, however, the chances aren’t quite as small. Add in your children’s lifetimes, and their children’s, and the odds are greater still. I’ve personally been through hurricanes, tornadoes, civil unrest, and the Mariel Boatlift unscathed, other than for some missing roof tiles and a conversion to positive for tuberculosis (thanks, Fidel). And now wildfire. A particularly … Continue reading

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After the airing of tapes recently that showed Donald Trump making crude remarks about women, you’d think that it’d be all over for him. Polls taken after the comments were published reveal a decided bump for his opponent,Hillary Clinton. In the second presidential debate, however, he unleashed a truth offensive that exposed the many faults of the former Secretary of State while breathing some life into his embattled campaign. It’s certainly true that Donald Trump is a different kind of candidate. You probably don’t want your kids to grow up to be like him; he has no filter, something both refreshing … Continue reading

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Hurricane Matthew is slowly churning it way towards the U.S. with sustained winds of 140 mph or more, and the potential for major damage and loss of life exists for many coastal areas. Hurricanes can certainly be dangerous, but they don’t have to be life-threatening for those who prepare.  Unlike tornadoes, which can pop up suddenly, hurricanes are first identified when they are hundreds, if not thousands of miles away.  We can watch their development and have a good idea of how bad the situation might be and how much time we have to get ready. Even before it’s clear … Continue reading

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The United States has entered an era of domestic terrorism I often refer to as the “New Normal”. It’s become very clear that terror’s weapons can be anything from knives (Minnesota), to guns (Orlando, San Bernardino) to bombs (NY/NJ, Boston). Even trucks (Nice, France) have been used by terrorists to cause casualties among decent citizens. In previous attacks on American soil, we have acted quickly and decisively to confront the enemy (Pearl Harbor comes to mind). Yet, unlike FDR, our current president seems to consider acts of terror a deserved consequence of the West’s terrible history of behavior towards Muslims, … Continue reading

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When a laceration occurs, our body’s natural armor is breached and bacteria, even species that are normal inhabitants of our skin, get a free ticket into the rest of our body. Microbes that are harmless outside the body could be life-threatening inside the body. It only makes common sense that we want to close a cut (also known as a “laceration”) to speed healing and lock out infection. There is controversy, however, as to whether or not a wound should be closed. When and why would you choose to close a wound, and what method should you use? A laceration … Continue reading

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On France’s equivalent of Independence Day, a large truck plowed through a large crowd in the southern city of Nice and engaged in a gunfight with police. Bystanders noted that the truck appeared to accelerate into the festive throng, killing dozens and injuring much more. It seems that you can’t read the news without a report of a terror event somewhere, and it’s clear that there will be more to come. Although we don’t know the exact circumstances at this early stage, I believe that this is just part and parcel of what I’ve called the New Normal in recent … Continue reading

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One of the scenarios we write about is the “Pandemic”. Although we have had success curing many illnesses with antibiotics, we are still struggling with outbreaks of viral diseases. In 2014, thousands died in West Africa during the Ebola epidemic. In 2015, Chikungunya virus crossed the Atlantic into the Western Hemisphere and infected a million people. This year, Zika virus is the latest pandemic, and the first to generate travel warnings specifically for women that are pregnant or of childbearing age. A little-known virus of equatorial Africa and Asia, the Zika virus has “jumped the pond” and is wreaking havoc … Continue reading

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Dental Preparedness Over the years, we have written hundreds of articles on medical preparedness for short or long-term disasters. Many now include medical kits and supplies to add to survival food storage and items for personal protection. Yet, few who are otherwise medically prepared seem to devote much time to dental health. Poor dental health can cause issues that affect the work efficiency of members of your group in survival settings. When your people are not at 100% effectiveness, your chances for survival decrease. History tells us that problems with teeth take up a significant portion of the medic’s patient … Continue reading

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