225 years ago, September 21, 1792, the French revolutionaries proclaimed France a “republic.” It is what is known historically as the French “First Republic.” A monarchy over nine centuries old was simply scrapped. The modern man likes to think of this as progress. It is what freed the French from the tyranny of the monarchy; it is what gave the French their rights; and subsequently it freed the rest of the West as well. Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn tells us otherwise: One shouldn’t forget that much of what may appear positive to us today – liberality, intellectuality, humanitarianism – had all … Continue reading

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It is April 6, 1917 – a day of great betrayal. The House of Representatives of the United States votes to declare war with 373 to 50 votes. Two days ago the federal Senate approved the declaration with 82 to 6 votes, with 8 Senators absent/abstaining. The same day President Wilson signs the declaration of war against Imperial Germany, a declaration he asked for in a speech before a joint session of Congress just four days ago. Those United States are just about to intervene in the Great European War on a quest to make the world safe for democracy. … Continue reading

The post A Day of Betrayal appeared first on LewRockwell.