The bilge pump on the ship of state is working overtime, and starting to groan.  A new kind of foul smell is permeating the halls of power, as if the festering boil of deep state interests just blew a pus-filled abscess.   The rising tide of my old neocon bosses from the Pentagon is upon us! Doug Feith, by General Tommy Frank’s observation “the f%&^ing stupidest guy on the face of the earth” just spent two hours in the oval Monday morning, interviewing for a job with President Trump! The short-lived America-First non-interventionism that earned Trump the votes of working people … Continue reading

The post My Star Is Rising! appeared first on LewRockwell.

President Trump has called on the Pentagon to provide a military parade on the 4th of July in Washington! I find no fault in this presidential request, and I hope it becomes a recurring event. Naturally, the brass disagrees.  They say things like “We don’t need a parade to show how powerful we are!” and “We show our military strength around the world every day of the year!” The military brass, the media, Trump’s progressive and reactionary opposition forces on the left and the right all disagree with me and Mr. Trump. We don’t need no stinkin’ parade, they say!  … Continue reading

The post I Love a Parade! appeared first on LewRockwell.

Those of us who closely observed, and tried to stop, the neoconservative takeover of the Presidency, and the nation’s security and intelligence leadership between 1999 and 2004, may have thought it was so well publicized and so destructive that it couldn’t happen again. Others, while blaming the Bush and Cheney crowds for bringing cavalier interventionist chickenhawking perspectives into the White House, figured that at least it wouldn’t happen again with an outsider like Mr. Trump. Still others, falsely believing that the eight Obama years were years of neoconservative silence, may have thought, given Trump’s non-interventionist America First campaign last year, … Continue reading

The post Neocon Creep appeared first on LewRockwell.

I caught a bit of the John Batchelor Show last night.  For those who have never listened to him, John is a radio talk show host who presents himself as a moderate republican, which is to say a satisfied and deep-in-the-rut statist. He featured an Asian “expert” and a professor of Asian studies, and they spoke of this week’s Mar el Lago meetings between Trump and Xi. Arthur Waldron and Gordon Chang as academics and experts shocked me with their calm and rationale advocacy for a newly aggressive American war in Asia.   You can listen for yourself, although I’m not … Continue reading

The post When Does Chickenhawk Season Start? appeared first on LewRockwell.

I caught a bit of the John Batchelor Show last night.  For those who have never listened to him, John is a radio talk show host who presents himself as a moderate republican, which is to say a satisfied and deep-in-the-rut statist. He featured an Asian “expert” and a professor of Asian studies, and they spoke of this week’s Mar el Lago meetings between Trump and Xi. Arthur Waldron and Gordon Chang as academics and experts shocked me with their calm and rationale advocacy for a newly aggressive American war in Asia.   You can listen for yourself, although I’m not … Continue reading

The post When Does Chickenhawk Season Start? appeared first on LewRockwell.

The media and the establishment are having a public orgy in our post-privacy era, the old rules shed haphazardly on a highly questionable shag rug.  Who knew that ten-year-old videos still had the magic! But first, much of this is not interesting at all, unless you just arrived on the planet a few minutes ago: 1) Men competing with other men, in boardrooms and locker rooms, golf courses and bars, by exaggerating their past, and imagining their futures with women they don’t have, can’t get and don’t deserve, using bad language, idiom, and imagery. 2)  Our culture (western, or American … Continue reading

The post Something Evil This Way Comes appeared first on LewRockwell.

Watching the unveiling of the next political era in the United States has been satisfying on many levels. It is especially nice to see large numbers of deplorables standing up for their bad selves, and watching the political class recoil and faint. When it was a “close” race, which is to say, a hackable one, delivering the expected status quo government, it was interesting to watch and assess.  A close race (post-Republican primaries) through a mainstream media lens is one where Hillary is the predicted winner, but things close up a bit as we approach election day, and she is … Continue reading

The post Something Wicked This Way Comes appeared first on LewRockwell.

So, after getting up late, groggy, and feeling overworked even before I started, I read this article.  Just after, I had to feed a dozen cats and dogs, each dog in a separate room out of respect for their territorialism and aggressive desire to consume more than they should (hmm, where have I seen this before), and in the process, forgot where I put my coffee cup.  Retracing steps, I finally find it and sit back down to my 19-inch window on the ugly (and perhaps remote) world of the state, and the endless pinpricks of the independent media on … Continue reading

The post Can It Be Cured? appeared first on LewRockwell.

As usual, Justin Raimondo is insightful and accurate.  He is bold and honest in a world where honesty and courage are rare.  With links to primary sources, he succinctly explains the failed and failing Iraq war, and the US Syria agenda – and ties it to U.S. presidential election sloganeering. The truth is not “out there,” it’s right here: “[Trump gets] the largely unknown history of our intervention in Syria, where Hillary Clinton was the jihadists’ best friend and benefactor. It was she who led the charge to “liberate” Syria, to arm the “moderate” head-choppers and do to that war-torn … Continue reading

The post As Neocons Plot More Death appeared first on LewRockwell.

Reflecting on the life and recent death of Mr. Chalabi, as Americans, it is only natural that we see him as we saw him.  Most Americans have forgotten the hideous impact the Washington regime of Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama had on the people, government and economy of Iraq.  Most never cared anyway. The name of the current Iraqi Prime Minister may not matter, but who he is might.  Apparently, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is unreasonable optimist, with an overbroad definition of his role vis a vis the people of Iraq.  And oh, those people!  Ungrateful for the trillions in … Continue reading

The post The Death of a Neocon Stooge appeared first on LewRockwell.

Americans like to think that we revolted against injustice, embraced liberty, and became a model for a new republic in 1776.  The ideas of that experimental, tiny precursor to the modern American empire have been lost in translation over the centuries.  Human tendencies to love liberty and decentralization, to crave personal independence and the right to build and create their own legacies, to be kings of their own castles, remain, but they are in the mist in 2015 America. For well over a dozen decades, the mythology that we live in the best, most powerful, most influential, and most envied … Continue reading

Like you, I am getting many emails and posts asking me “Who won the debate?”     It’s premise-checking time, for sure.  There hasn’t been a real honest debate on television between politicians, ever. As many have pointed out, there is certainly no such thing as a debate between 10 people.  But we do have some great models, pardon the pun, for such a competition, and Donald Trump actually could help with this. The beauty contest system is a really good one, whether for a Miss America or one of those that little Honey Boo Boo used to participate in.  There is … Continue reading

The headlines at Drudge are an excellent barometer of what’s up with government and culture.   Glancing over cops being killed by the other side of law enforcement (the people), Hillary’s new Whitewater files (this time electronic), Army and Secret Service partying, drug use, and sex rings, the predictable result of partial “legalization” of pot (neighborhood informers), we find a report that, “Confidence in government is lower than ever!” Whaaa?  The poll, taken in 2014, looked at consumer and investor faith in the “product”, i.e. the president, judiciary, legislative as well as mainstream media, banks, big business, organized labor, organized religion, … Continue reading