Dems Face Cognitive Dissonance Over Baltimore Quotes
Trump can’t criticize the city, but the left can.
Trump can’t criticize the city, but the left can.
POTUS did not react appropriately.
Tony Arterburn joins Harrison Smith to speak on the gold standard and the current market of gold.
A look at the last year of censorship.
Harvard scientists begin an experiment to block out the sun.
Why the decade was a catalyst for what’s taking place today.
What does the government know about mind control?
Greg Reese takes on the topic of pedophilia and how society is trying to justify it with mental illness.
Questions raised about authenticity of murderer’s declaration.
Predictable rhetoric coming from the left.
Mainstream media wants Americans to think supporting 45 is unpopular.
More lawsuits hit anti-Trump celebs and media personalities.
Owen Shroyer gives an inside tip about a growing market.
DNA test revealed there is no parent-child relationship.
President Trump calls out Democrats.