SJW Sex Ed: Comedy Central Mocks Liberal Gender Confusion
A Latino father tries to have “the sex talk” with his indoctrinated son.
A Latino father tries to have “the sex talk” with his indoctrinated son.
‘She followed the doctor’s orders and left a good paying job. She uprooted her life to do what is best for him.’
Watch another liberal assault proving Democrats are intolerant and violent.
Watch Pride Parade attendees show their lack of tolerance.
The internet as we know it has been destroyed by SJW thought police.
Trump is losing support over the escalating border crisis.
Special report reveals how UK citizens are responding.
Major threat ignored by mainstream media.
Pro-Trump black men counter establishment propaganda.
Impeach Trump protesters want to impeach Pence after they get done with Donald.
Alex explains he is able to be accurate because he has studied the gameplan of the globalists that control Big Tech.
Warning sign from POTUS as he entertains banning silencers.
Based Amy made worldwide headlines when she stabbed the “Trump baby” balloon at an anti-Trump protest in London.
This exclusive interview is a must-see.
After banning bump stocks, Donald Trump signals he may ban silencers, which are rarely used in crimes.