Big Tech & Banks Ban Men’s Rights Activist
The establishment is moving past censorship and on to financial warfare against political opponents.
The establishment is moving past censorship and on to financial warfare against political opponents.
The accusation was aired against Nigel Farage in a two-part hit-piece by the Guardian.
Newborn flatlined immediately after receiving first round of shots.
Trump supporter explains why he supports POTUS and opens the eyes of a group of young Americans.
Learn the secret to defeating the tech elite censors.
A new film titled “Hail Satan?” has been released in an attempt to indoctrinate people into believing Satanists are actually victims of harassment and bullying in America.
Migrant camps hotspots for disease.
Students said their grief was being politicized and chanted “mental health.”
Mike Adams breaks down why fighting for freedom of speech can actually save humanity.
Alex explains how the soul of the democratic party has already sold out to evil.
Alex breaks down how the left appears eager to obtain global control of the population.
Quotes from each individual show their hatred for the Constitution and American rights.
“You have been forgiven for the crimes against my ancestors.”
Will Johnson of Unite America First talks about the liberals demonizing white people and victimizing blacks.
This is why the establishment gets away with whatever they want.