US Federal Reserve props up zombie companies that should have collapsed – RT’s Keiser Report
Those companies were not innovating any more, analyst states, as they were simply selling goods so they could make their debt service
Those companies were not innovating any more, analyst states, as they were simply selling goods so they could make their debt service
The Golden Age of Piracy was also triggered by widespread joblessness
The vessel was forced to cut short its Mediterranean Sea mission, returning to its home port of Toulon on Sunday
While both Democrats and Republicans want to add $250 billion to the small-business aid program, the two parties have been sparring for days over whether to add restrictions to the funds
The coronavirus crisis has unleashed two types of bankruptcies that are very different, have different causes, and should require different solutions
State and local government budgets are in danger of collapsing. This will impel politicians to find ways to end the lockdowns
Central bankers think too much saving is a problem that must be solved with more money creation. But the real problem is the Keynesian-style fractional reserve banking system
This recession involves a big supply shock, which means that stimulus-fed consumption will bring capital consumption, which will ultimately lower productive capacity and standards of living
We want to get folks back to work, Kudlow says
Gold prices skyrocketed to their highest since November 2012
May futures for WTI crude fell by 5.98 percent to $21.07 per barrel
The study revealed that the stellar population at the center of the most massive spiral galaxies is older than the stars at the edge of the bulge
The leaky core is likely responsible for the high levels of iron deposits found in volcanic eruptions off the coast of Samoa and Hawaii
It is thanks to global trade that we now have access to many more resources for treatment and prevention of disease, including COVID-19
The Fed’s portfolio is now 35 percent larger from the time the Fed promised to “taper” back its portfolio and “normalize.”