What Venezuela Needs for a Prosperous Future
Political and economic salvation for Venezuela can come only from the Venezuelan people themselves. They cannot be “forced to be free.”
Political and economic salvation for Venezuela can come only from the Venezuelan people themselves. They cannot be “forced to be free.”
The Washington Post supports local governments ignoring laws. Except when those laws restrict private gun ownership
So long as we insist the federal government can force one law, one culture, and one sort of politics on all of America, the US is headed down the road of civil war. Only decentralization and separation can partly defuse the situation
China is not on track to catch up with the wealthy West. The Chinese state’s commitment to highly interventionist mercantilist policies is leading to debt, malinvestment, and stagnation
This immense cooperative system is known as a free-market economy. It was not consciously planned by anybody. It evolved
The largest star-quake ever recorded, had a frequency of 94.5 Hertz – a slightly flat F sharp, equivalent to the 22nd key on a piano
Trump continued to chide other leaders for not increasing their countries’ defense budgets to at least 2 percent of GDP
Rubio in particular launched an attack on the market economy under the guise of promoting “common-good capitalism”
“We’re getting reports of somebody in a white van trying to snatch up young girls for human trafficking and for selling body parts, I’m told,” says mayor
There’s a lot of hydrogen in intergalactic space
Says he’s not a fan of Trump, but the ongoing impeachment process is “woefully inadequate”
Exoplanet atmospheres without clouds and hazes are like unicorns, says astronomer
“AirPod culture is ridiculous. Materialism at its silliest,” wrote one Twitter user
“You’re attacking the source instead of the argument. That’s a logical fallacy, and it’s only ever employed by people who can’t attack the argument.”
Waters now considered a moderate, relatively speaking