Australia’s Gun Law Does Not Prevent Shooting at Police Headquarters
Kurt Nimmo | Gun laws are about confiscation, not ending violence.
Kurt Nimmo | Gun laws are about confiscation, not ending violence.
Kurt Nimmo | Senator McCain admits Russians targeting CIA mercenaries.
Kurt Nimmo | Reports misleading info on Russian effort to target ISIS in Syria.
Kurt Nimmo | Russian parliament gives green light to attack ISIS.
Kurt Nimmo | Cites presence of ISIS and Hezbollah as pretext for possible invasion.
Kurt Nimmo | Sunni Muslims impose Sharia law, attack Christians and Shias.
Kurt Nimmo | Sunni Muslims impose Sharia law, attack Christians and Shias.
Kurt Nimmo | Political class will never admit taxation is theft.
Kurt Nimmo | Tells Europe to pay $17 billion per year for illegal migrants.
Kurt Nimmo | Putin: only Syrian people have right to decide who should govern their country
Kurt Nimmo | EU and UN officials underestimate the number of illegal migrants.
Kurt Nimmo | Kerry says Russian effort aimed at ISIS will escalate conflict.
Kurt Nimmo | Says Chinese troops and military aircraft will arrive within six weeks.
Kurt Nimmo | Polish media claims Ankara engineered mass migration.
Kurt Nimmo | Rubber bullets, stun grenades, flares and net guns to be used to fend off intruding horde.