Fast Food Worker Refuses to Serve Cop
Kurt Nimmo | Example of growing animosity toward law enforcement.
Kurt Nimmo | Example of growing animosity toward law enforcement.
Kurt Nimmo | Militarized cops tell residents to stay inside their homes.
Kurt Nimmo | Democrats believe rapper is actually a viable candidate for highest office.
Kurt Nimmo | Russian presence in Syria will increase likelihood of encounters with US.
Kurt Nimmo | Incorrectly claims climate change is a major issue for Americans.
Kurt Nimmo | Black Sinterklaas apprentice considered vestige of slavery.
Kurt Nimmo | “I’m a very strong 2nd Amendment person.”
Kurt Nimmo | In fact, the 14th Amendment is illegal.
Kurt Nimmo | Taliban had previously outlawed opium cultivation.
Kurt Nimmo | Paul Krugman and others believe destruction and mass murder good for economy.
Kurt Nimmo | Bloodbath triggered by China’s market collapse.
Kurt Nimmo | Says those opposed to illegal immigration should seek God’s forgiveness.
Kurt Nimmo | Mikhail Gorbachev: “I’m really extremely worried.”
Kurt Nimmo | Most popular independent candidate since Ross Perot.
Kurt Nimmo | “Negro” and “Gypsy” unacceptable words.