Obama Set to Begin Training Jihadists in Syria
Kurt Nimmo | Government claims it is training “vetted moderates” to fight ISIS.
Kurt Nimmo | Government claims it is training “vetted moderates” to fight ISIS.
Kurt Nimmo | Junaid Hussain spent time in British prison for hacking PM Tony Blair’s account.
Kurt Nimmo | Internet post targets “Draw Mohammed” Contest Organizer Pamela Geller.
Kurt Nimmo | Corporate media plays up unverified link between suspects and ISIS.
Kurt Nimmo | Cites nonexistent police remark on weapons used during incident.
Kurt Nimmo | Claim follows Sen. Tom Cotton’s suggestion US should bomb Iran.
Kurt Nimmo | Libertarians are trying to create a new Civil War by insisting on the 10th Amendment.
Kurt Nimmo | IDF developed chemical said to be very effective in discouraging protests
Kurt Nimmo | Obama said last year the war against ISIS will take a long time.
Kurt Nimmo | Ignores fact husband’s war on drugs responsible for militarized cops.
Kurt Nimmo | Ignores fact husband’s war on drugs responsible for militarized cops.
Kurt Nimmo | MEMRI releases translation as Congress wrestles over Iran nuclear bill.
Kurt Nimmo | MEMRI releases translation as Congress wrestles over Iran nuclear bill.
Kurt Nimmo | Resembles previous threat before execution of police in New York.
Kurt Nimmo | Resembles previous threat before execution of police in New York.