My wife’s family had a schism going, back when I first met her, thirty-six years ago. One side had voted for and ardently supported President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The other side wanted nothing to do with the man. But the real family split came when Roosevelt expired during his fourth term in office. One grandfather came into the other grandfather’s shop and proclaimed, “Boy, am I ever glad that sonofabitch is finally dead!” Neither side ever spoke to the other side again. My science fiction writer’s instinct is telling me that this month’s historic Presidential election is going to be … Continue reading

The post Holding Your Breath Until You Turn Blue appeared first on LewRockwell.

My wife’s family had a schism going, back when I first met her, thirty-six years ago. One side had voted for and ardently supported President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The other side wanted nothing to do with the man. But the real family split came when Roosevelt expired during his fourth term in office. One grandfather came into the other grandfather’s shop and proclaimed, “Boy, am I ever glad that sonofabitch is finally dead!” Neither side ever spoke to the other side again. My science fiction writer’s instinct is telling me that this month’s historic Presidential election is going to be … Continue reading

The post Holding Your Breath Until You Turn Blue appeared first on LewRockwell.

Last week, I was chatting contentedly with my friends on Facebook (who would ever have thought I’d say that?) about gun politics, when I was interrupted by (ostensibly) a young woman (everybody’s young compared to me these days) who denied that anyone in politics was out to take my guns away and asserted, in essence, that I am some kind of paranoid crank. I resent that. I do not deny it, but I resent it. But I have my reasons. I responded that I have been fighting this fight for some 48 years and knew better than she did what … Continue reading

The post A 20th Century History of Infringement appeared first on LewRockwell.