March 17, 2018: Russia’s Defense Ministry says “US instructors” are training militants to stage false flag chemical attacks in south Syria. …”The provocations will be used as a pretext by the United States and its allies to launch strikes on military and government infrastructure in Syria,” the official stated. “We’re registering the signs of the preparations for the possible strikes. Strike groups of the cruise missile carriers have been formed in the east of the Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf and Red Sea.”… –US training Syria militants for false flag chemical attack as basis for airstrikes – Russian MoD And, right … Continue reading

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Newspapers and other publications keep what they call “stylebooks” to let the folks who write for them know what’s acceptable to the publication and what isn’t. Many factors determine the rules that are included in a stylebook, many, but not all of them, economic. What these stylebooks reveal, however, is much more than just preferences and economics. What is a “terrorist” for example – – – For the record, here’s the [Minnesota] Star Tribune style entry, word for word: “The Star Tribune permits the use of the word ‘terrorist’ to describe nongovernmental groups that carry out attacks on civilians. Other … Continue reading

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Facts and evidence don’t matter anymore. It’s only the narrative that counts. Which is the main reason the inept British scripting of the recent alleged attempt on the life of ex double-agent Sergei Skripal is seriously troubling. It isn’t that the facts don’t match the Official Narrative — that’s now expected and the standard, especially when scripting our current essential villain, Russia. No, it’s the deteriorating quality of Official Narratives in general, and, in this case, the James Bond plot line. Kind of reminds me of an old-fashioned Meller-Drammer where the audience hisses and boos the dastardly villain and throws … Continue reading

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To start with, as per the Standard Anti-Self-Defense Handbook — and using the so-far unexplained Las Vegas shooting spree as the latest platform — the usual Second Amendment scoff-laws still prominently include firearm suicides in their gun-death tally. Thank goodness folks deprived of guns won’t use overdoses, tranquilizers-plus-booze, carbon monoxide, razor blades, poison, etc. — and bridges, tall buildings, and open windows for jumping — if they can’t get guns! Or are the usual Congressional victim-disarmers misleading us again? Suicide by any means, while regrettable, is a voluntary act, and those determined, gun or no gun, nearly always succeed. With … Continue reading

The post Gun Lies the Establishment Tells You appeared first on LewRockwell.

It’s early October, 1998 in Moscow, smack in the middle of the Asian Contagion fiat money melt-down that swept half the world, including Russia. I met my first Russian babushka today. I’d seen large numbers of them looking for help — and warmth — in Moscow’s palatial “Metro” subway system because the Russian government is no longer paying the “Social Security” it owes them. I’d never met one up close and personal though. I needed bottled water — they tell you not to drink the municipal water in Russia, the Philippines, etc. — unlike other places where they mislead you … Continue reading

The post Banksters versus My Babushka appeared first on LewRockwell.

It broke cover late in 2008. Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke eventually branded it “The Great Recession.” As the myth goes, Fed Chair Bernanke, Sec. of Treasury Hank Paulson, his right-hand man Neel Kashkari, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senator Christopher Dodd — and the rest of The Masters of the Universe — stepped up to save us from total economic disaster with what they called a “break the glass” rescue. “…they told us that unless we acted, the financial system of this country and maybe the world would melt down. They used those words in a very kind … Continue reading

The post Masters of the Universe? appeared first on LewRockwell.

It isn’t news that the fiat financial system, acting as a reverse Robin Hood, steals from the poor and gives to the rich and politically influential, at least not to readers. What IS news is when rich financial gamblers and politically influential insiders specifically cop to it. And they do. VERY specifically in the video below. The insiders: Former Federal Reserve Board member Kevin Warsh; Fmr. Manager of Duquesne Capital Mgmt. and truth-teller Stanley Druckenmiller; Economics Nobel winner & co-inventor of the Case-Shiller housing index Prof. Robert Shiller; Sr. Manager Jimmy Dunne; and former NY Fed official, U.S. Undersecretary … Continue reading

The post Reverse Robin Hood appeared first on LewRockwell.

In tandem with the release of Oliver Stone’s excellent biopic “Snowden” this week, there’s also a resurgence of the effort to discredit NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden. I don’t need to suggest who might be interested in doing that. Potentially the most effective trick is to suggest that Snowden and his “leaks” were some sort of psychological operation, planned and executed by the supposedly omniscient surveillance state itself. If successful, this ploy strengthens the myth of the state and discredits Snowden’s information at the same time. However, even a cursory examination of what he leaked — and the volume — make … Continue reading

The post Dissing Snowden appeared first on LewRockwell.

I went to check on a friend in a dangerous situation recently. Call him “W.” He was in the hospital. Dangerous? Yes! As you may know, “hospital” is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. But there’s another good reason to avoid hospitals that I didn’t know. So bitch-slap me. Since he had all sorts of insurance, “W” probably looked like $$$$$ as they wheeled him into the emergency room. Sort of like when you take your car in for an oil change and suddenly you have new shocks, a new muffler, relined brakes and a big bill. … Continue reading

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With “the Withering Away of the State” as the explicit goal, the worldwide socialist revolutions in the early decades of the 20th Century had the right idea. Instead, they nearly all ended up with the most repressive murderous totalitarian states in human history. What went wrong? They made, at least, two major mistakes, both relevant today. The first is obvious to nearly everyone except modern establishment economists. 1. The socialists didn’t understand the necessity of private property, trade, markets, competition, and so-called “profit” — especially among strangers — to discourage waste, motivate technological evolution and thus prosperity — and to … Continue reading

The post Worldwide Socialist Revolutions appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’ve been traveling with Monica and another friend for several weeks on a gambling trip in Europe. Monica escaped communist Poland via a work visa to Sweden. She’s fluent in English but won’t talk to me. She tells me it’s because I don’t drink. In Communist Poland, booze is the first line of defense against the Secret Police. “If they drink on duty, they might slip and reveal their ‘secret identity’,” Monica tells me. We have a drink and everything’s cool. It isn’t just in the movies. It really was standard operating procedure in the Soviet Block for the secret police … Continue reading

The post Lessons for Dealing With the American Stasi appeared first on LewRockwell.

Did you ever question “The majority rules?” Why not? It’s the most famous example of what we can call for convenience, “The Collective Fallacy.” With the help of it’s more subliminal offspring, this fallacy has twisted Western cultures into tormented shapes inimical to life and human nature. In the case of “The majority rules,” even the U.S. founders were aware of the dangers – – – “Mankind will in time discover that unbridled majorities are as tyrannical and cruel as unlimited despots.” –U.S. “Founding Father” John Adams “An elective despotism was not the government we fought for” –Thomas Jefferson: Notes … Continue reading

The post What You Mean ‘We,’ Paleface? appeared first on LewRockwell.

As per the Standard Anti-Self-Defense Handbook, the Fibber-In-Chief just prominently included firearm suicides in his gun death tally. Thank goodness folks deprived of guns won’t use tranquilizers-plus-booze, carbon monoxide, razor blades, poison, etc. — and bridges, tall buildings, and open windows for jumping — if they can’t get guns! Or is the Prez misleading us again? Suicide by any means, while regrettable, is a voluntary act, and those determined, gun or no gun, nearly always succeed. With that in mind, let’s put things in perspective: The 19,392 gun suicides in the U.S. in 2010 swamped the 11,078 firearm homicides. That … Continue reading

The post Gun Lies Your Leader Told You appeared first on LewRockwell.

How can we stop terrorism? Before you commit yourself though, you might want to consider the following – – – ~”There is no way to stop a dedicated terrorist who is willing to pay the price.” –Desert Storm General Norman Schwartzkopf, Ret., MSNBC ~”The asymmetrical advantage a terrorist has is that he can strike any place at any time, using any conceivable method of attack, and this is impossible to defend against.” –U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, CNN Late Edition “It’s impossible to have a police officer every place. That would be unrealistic and it would change the nature of … Continue reading

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