Literacy failures continue to compound with each generation as mis-educators focus on everything except the core problem:  The Devastation of Language and Literacy. The vast majority of Americans no longer Hear, Speak, Spell, Read, or Write English with competency, let alone with skill. The destruction of Americans’ ability to precisely understand and use their own language is at the root of every problem that faces our nation: school failure;  dearth of general knowledge; limited horizons; shallow, inaccurate thought processes; poor communication skills; unemployability; criminality; and the development of this shallow, polarized society in which we live.  Still teachers are wasting … Continue reading

The post Rotten to the Common Core appeared first on LewRockwell.

If it mattered what was said in locker rooms, then I would be offended, but it does not matter.  This craziness needs to stop and honorable reporting of the real news, at this most important time in America’s possibly diminishing lifespan, needs to become the order of the day. Believe me, if anyone has cause to complain about bad language, that person is I.  I taught for over forty years and during those decades, I had words of every length, meaning, reference, and suggestion, spit directly into my face, an inch from my nose, with threats that a fist would … Continue reading

The post Locker Room Talk Does Not Bother Me appeared first on LewRockwell.

Schools have an obligation to teach every child to read by using the most efficient and effective method possible. There is only one way to teach children or adults to read a language that has an alphabet and that one way is methodical instruction in phonics.  Phonics is the Code in which English speech is written down using its alphabetical letters to represent the sounds of speech so that the writer, or another person, can then read back what was written. This task of teaching a child to read is best begun once the child has attained a verbal and … Continue reading

The post Is Your Young Person a Reader? appeared first on LewRockwell.

In 1930, 3 million American adults could not read.  Most of those 1 million white illiterates and 2 million black illiterates were people over age fifty who had never been to school. (Regna Lee Wood) In 2003, 30 million American adults could not read.  Most had been to school for many years.  (70% of prison inmates could not read; 19% of high school graduates could not read) (Illiteracy Statistics) In 2003, The U.S. Department of Education’s National Institute of Literacy completed a National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) and concluded: NUMBER OF ADULTS IN EACH PROSE LITERACY LEVEL Below Basic: … Continue reading

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