The other night I was with my wife and daughters at a pop concert when my mom called me just as the main act was taking the stage. Normally, I would have let the call go to voicemail, but I knew my mom was upset, so I picked up. “My son, what happened to you? Please, tell me.”, she implored. I marveled at the fact I could actually hear her while I assured her that everything was fine and that I simply had decided to delete my Facebook account. She said, “Oh, my lord. I tried to tag you in … Continue reading

The post Good Bye, Cruel Facebook appeared first on LewRockwell.

Political life for us libertarians is not easy. Every election cycle we look at the options before us and have a hard time explaining to either side why we can’t support their candidate. Both sides expect us to fall in line to the beat of W’s “you’re either with us or you’re against us.”  During the last election, many of us, even those that don’t vote found ourselves exploring the remote possibility that Donald Trump might pursue a less aggressive foreign policy and that he might actually take the world in a more peaceful direction. This hope sprung not from … Continue reading

The post We’re All Racists Now appeared first on LewRockwell.

The recent announcement by the FBI that Hillary Clinton did not break the law but simply showed “extreme carelessness” should serve as a shot across the bow to anyone responsible for their organization’s information security. The FBI’s recommendation does not provide much help in regards to determining where the line is drawn between criminal “gross negligence” and “extreme carelessness”. One theory is that the difference lies in foreknowledge and intent. If so, then all of us in the security space need to take a very hard look at improving and enhancing security awareness within our organizations. Our users must be … Continue reading

The post Something Good From a Gov’t Crime? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Two weeks ago Anthony Silva, the mayor of Stockton, California was forced to turn over all of his electronics and their associated passwords when re-entering the country from an official visit to China. The Department of Homeland Security agents were unable to produce a warrant or any other court documents to justify their seizure, yet they prohibited him from entering the country and being on his way until he complied with their demands. After giving in to the authorities Mr. Silva had the following to say, “I think the American people should be extremely concerned about their personal rights and … Continue reading