An Illinois County board just voted to become a sanctuary county for gun owners.  That would entail not enforcing laws that prohibit the basic fundamental human right of self-defense. The Effingham County Board approved the resolution 8-1 on Monday which declares that they will not enforce gun laws that “unconstitutionally restrict the Second Amendment.” (Of course, that’s all gun laws based on the Constitution.)  Board members said they felt it was necessary to “take a stand” against the immoral and human rights violations in the form of gun control efforts in the Illinois legislature. Humorously, Effingham County State’s Attorney Bryan Kibler told Fox News that they decided to “flip the script” and “make this a … Continue reading

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Scientists are now saying that the “Big One” in California may not be caused by the San Andreas fault line, but by the Hayward Bay fault line. It is now thought to be the “ticking time bomb” fault line and more dangerous than the San Andres. The scariest scenario for the next major earthquake may not be from the San Andreas Fault (though that one still threatens), but from the Hayward Fault that runs along the east side of the San Francisco Bay. In fact, many say that the next earthquake on the Hayward Bay fault line would be “disastrous.” According to KTUV, a magnitude … Continue reading

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One of the biggest bits of news on all mainstream media channels is the caravan of illegal immigrants heading toward the United States border with Mexico intending to demand entry into the country. But from this big story comes a heavy dose of irony as Mexico deports 400 marchers for entering Mexico illegally. According to The Daily Wire, when the caravan crossed the Mexican-Guatemalan border, the group’s leaders praised Mexican officials for stepping aside and allowing them entry. “Refugee Caravan knocking down borders yesterday in Huehuetan! Immigration agents abandoned the post when they knew we were coming. The people celebrated this first little victory!” … Continue reading

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Francho Bradley and his common-law wife Adrianne Jennings were arrested in Boston on Saturday on weapons charges after authorities found a stash of rifles, grenades, and handguns in their hotel room. Bradley says he was on a secret mission for the government and says he owns a company that sells communications equipment to the military. The cache of weapons was found on the day of the March For Our Lives protest. According to The Daily Mail, in Bradley’s room and car, police found five assault rifles, a shotgun, a revolver and a pistol. They also found hundreds of rounds of ammunition, scopes, bump stocks, … Continue reading

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Financial guru Peter Schiff, who accurately predicted the recession of 2008, says the problems we face now are even bigger. We will live through another Great Depression if Schiff is correct. And one of the main concerns is something very few dare to even mention or show a concern about: the national debt. Schiff’s podcast from a few days ago highlights a very important problem with not only the economy as we know it but the mainstream media as well. Unable to take their attention off gun control regulations for even a moment to focus on a much bigger concern, the national debt, … Continue reading

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The United States government has interfered with more elections than any other government on the face of the earth.  But suddenly, the US is grandstanding and pretending it matters that other nations use the exact same tactics. “Ah, the peddler propaganda!” says Joe Joseph with The Daily Sheeple while reading a headline declaring that Russians penetrated U.S. voter systems. “Say it ain’t so! A clandestine operation by a foreign government here in the United States? No. Couldn’t be!” he said sarcastically.  The overly biased and left-leaning media attempted to portray this “interference” as a big deal. But as always, propaganda is … Continue reading

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According to one United States Senator, president Donald Trump was forced to speak negatively about Russia by the deep state.  Trump’s brief mention of Russia in his State of the Union address means he doesn’t want a confrontation, but he also wants to “placate the hawks,” said Senator Richard Black from Virginia. Senator Black said he believes that Russia as well as China receiving only one mention in the 90-minute address is not a coincidence. Black argued that president “Trump was forced to refer to China and Russia in negative terms, but he moved on quickly.” Most of the mainstream media immediately jumped … Continue reading

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If there is any part of you that’s inquisitive you’ve likely wondered how on Earth this year’s flu could be so bad.  After all, we have vaccines and Western medicine’s advancements in technology to help people.  But the Health Ranger says that is the exact problem with the influenza outbreak. As the reports continue to come in that this influenza outbreak is killing about 100 people a day, many begin to wonder what the purpose of getting a vaccine that’s only 10% effective could possibly be.  “What you’re never told, is that some of those deaths are because of the flu vaccine,” … Continue reading

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In recent weeks, the locals living in the Maurienne part of Savoie in the French Alps have been getting used to being shaken awake at night. The region has been rocked by 140 earthquakes in a mere 40 days sparking fears that Europe may soon experience “the big one.” Sismalp, a French earthquake organization, has registered 140 minor tremors in the area in the last month or so. And with the strongest tremor being recorded 3.8 on the Richter scale, many are panicked that Europe’s “big one” could occur soon. While none of the earthquakes have been strong enough to cause any structural … Continue reading

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While most western countries are reverting back to medieval technology to combat the use of drones, legendary Russian arms manufacturer Kalashnikov, makers of the AK series, has developed an advanced anti-drone gun. Drones are now becoming more widely available, therefore, anti-drone technology is becoming a major field in the defense industry. Of course, Kalashnikov is leading the pack in anti-drone warfare. Built on the MP-514K rifle system, the fully modular device comes equipped with interchangeable jamming units, which disrupt GPS, GLONASS, WiFi, and other electronic and radio signals, rendering drones inoperable. Due to its ability to block phone signals, the device also can be used to prevent remote detonation of improvised explosives. Meet the REX-1. Buy … Continue reading

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While many in the United States firmly believe that the government just isn’t working, it is.  But it’s only working for the powerful and rich elites in the government and the media who have a desire to cling to their oppressive control of others and the money many are willing to allow them to steal. The fight has never been between the republicans and the democrats.  As Americans choose sides, their rights and freedoms are sold to the highest bidder. According to Intellectual Takeout, the fight is between “us” and the deep state; not those on the right and those on the left. … Continue reading

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Last month founder Brandon Smith warned that Bitcoin may not be all that it’s cracked up to be in terms of its purported anonymity: For years, one of the major original selling points of bitcoin was that it was “anonymous.” It always surprised me that so many people in the liberty movement bought into this scam. Surely after the revelations exposed by Edward Snowden and organizations like Wikileaks, it is utterly foolish to believe that anything in the digital world is truly “anonymous.” The feds have been proving there is no anonymity, even in bitcoin, for some time, as multiple arrests using bitcoin tracking have indeed occurred … Continue reading

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Last week Trump supporters and leftist social justice warriors met on the political field of battle in Berkeley, California. Words were exchanged, as were punches. And while an alt-right leader was punched in the face, by all accounts even the social justice warriors admit that they got a major beat-down. This prompted a reddit discussion among the left’s tolerant resistance movement, with many asking how they can more effectively go to war against anyone who disagrees with their social, political, and economic views. The anti-Trump protesters at the rally were ill-prepared for what they came to Berkeley to confront and now … Continue reading

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We recently warned that America is about to see unprecedented protests and rioting from coast to coast. But don’t take our word for it. A social justice warrior involved in the Seattle street protests tells you everything you need to know about what the future holds and lends further evidence to the notion that America sits on the precipice of widespread civil unrest. The woman, who also claims to be a pre-school teacher, implies that it’s time for extreme measures, including but not limited to killing people, starting at the White House. Just so you know… we need to start killing people… … Continue reading

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Being on the hook is not going to be pretty when interest rates are raised back up, and debts come due. At a personal level, it will mean more stress and juggling to make ends meet. For the larger economy, it will mean cities and states unable to meet obligations or balance their budgets – ending in bankruptcy, and bailouts. Meanwhile, millions of people are relying on that money to keep coming in order to survive. Something is going to go very wrong. Relying upon government to function and send you money is not a secure plan. The mathematics are … Continue reading

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