There have been murmurs about it all along. Someday, they simply wouldn’t allow certain things to remain on the Internet any longer. The potential to reach a global audience with important information, and the idea that it could be in the hands of anyone is just too big. So it is no surprise that many corporate giants from Silicon Valley are now putting forward a unified front to silence free speech on social media. Hashtags, keywords and flagged accounts, logged in various databases, will be shared and enforced across the web. Shutting down content identified as unacceptable will now be … Continue reading

The post This Is the Purge We All Knew Was Coming appeared first on LewRockwell.

It may sound like the kind of science fiction contraptions that would show up in a James Bond film or some other futuristic Hollywood spectacle… but these weapons are now making their way to the battlefield. The technology that is understood by the general public is seriously outdated. There has been a revolution of new advances in technology, and much of it draws heavily from the use of electromagnetic energy, lasers and A.I. robots. The future is downright deadly – that is, if you wind up in the crosshairs. Current Prices on popular forms of Silver Bullion Though many of … Continue reading

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Where firearms and guns have been taken away, people are desperate to turn to whatever means of self-defense they can find. And in the wake of a total crisis from aggressive migrants and lone wolf terrorists, the people of Germany are lining up in droves for permits to carry non-lethal guns that fire flares, shoot blanks or release gas. Of course, the purchase of pepper spray and tasers have skyrocketed in the past several years, but with recent events, things have reached a whole new level. While the governments of Europe continue to invite in unlimited numbers, the people of … Continue reading

The post With Terror and Rape Spreading appeared first on LewRockwell.

For months Donald Trump has bestowed the “Crooked Hillary” moniker upon the Democratic Presidential candidate with what appear to be very damaging results to her credibility and honesty. Always one to entertain, and often without a script, Trump has a couple of new nicknames he recently threw into the mix. First, knowing how effective the label was when applied to Jeb! Bush, Trump referred to Hillary as not just “low energy,” but noted that she is a “napper” who simply doesn’t have the ability to deal with the nation’s pressing issues: “She’s low energy. She actually is low energy,” Mr. Trump said … Continue reading

The post You thought Jeb Was Low Energy? appeared first on LewRockwell.

How far will they go to destroy this country? Liberals and globalists are already plotting several moves ahead. If Donald Trump beats Hillary, they are already contemplating a Plan B. In a  op-ed, L.A. Times. writer James Kirchick dangles the ambiguous but ominous threat, “If Trump wins, a coup isn’t impossible here in the U.S.” It basically hints that a military overthrow of a Trump Presidency might be coming in the future, and would then be justified by horrific dictatorial acts that hordes of screaming leftists have been warning about all this time: From the L.A. Times: Americans viewing the … Continue reading

The post Leftists Planning Coup Against President Trump? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Call it a conspiracy theory, coincidence or just bad luck, but any time someone is in a position to bring down Hillary Clinton by testifying they wind up dead. In fact, there’s a long history of Clinton-related body counts, with scores of people dying under mysterious circumstances. Perhaps the most notable is Vince Foster. Foster was a partner at Clinton’s law firm and knew the inner workings of the Clinton Machine.  Police ruled that death a suicide, though it is often noted that Foster may have been suicided. Now, another official has found himself on the wrong end of the … Continue reading

The post UN Official Accidentally Crushes His Own Throat appeared first on LewRockwell.

How close was presumed killer Omar Mateen to the bizarre world of Washington politics? Close enough to raise your hackles about what is really going on. Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen, apparently visits the Capitol frequently, take pictures in front of the State Department and White House press room, and likes to pose with Congressmen, especially from the Foreign Affairs Committee. There are also rumors, though they are unconfirmed, that Seddique Mateen has also met with President Obama. His activity at the State Department and Foreign Affairs Committee also suggest possible liaisons with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and current … Continue reading

The post Orlando Killer’s Father Knew Obama? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Earlier this month, as retail investors lost confidence in the global economy and broader stock markets, an air of panic began to set in. Reports indicate the lines were literally forming around the block at gold stores throughout London and elsewhere. It was, by all accounts, the very scenario one might expect in an environment where trust in government and central banks has been eroded. But it’s only the beginning, explains Auryn Resources executive chairman Ivan Bebek in an interview with SGT Report, as nation states and large investors are trying to get their hands on gold as fast as they can: … Continue reading

The post The Whole World Is Hoarding Gold appeared first on LewRockwell.

Back in the 1970’s as recession gripped the world for a decade, stocks stagnated and commodities crashed, investor Jim Rogers made a fortune. His understanding of markets, capital flows and timing is legendary. As crisis struck in late 2008, he did it again, often recommending gold and silver to those looking for wealth preservation strategies – move that would have paid of multi-fold when precious metals hit all time highs in 2011. He warned that the crash would lead to massive job losses, dependence on government bailouts, and unprecedented central bank printing on a global scale. Now, Rogers says that … Continue reading

The post The Entire World Is About To Get Hammered appeared first on LewRockwell.

There are endless places and ways to conceal, hide and stash your guns and other precious items. Who knows when the time would actually come when some jack-booted thug would beat down your door and search for your constitutionally-mandated firearms – but with Obama’s gun control and many possible scenarios for martial law and a crackdown on patriots, it could really happen. And it may be time to think about the possibilities if you haven’t already. Really, it should be part of your prepping plans already. But in case the thought has never crossed your mind, or you need to beef up … Continue reading

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