KIDNEYS are the organs that maintain our water balance and help manage the pH of our bodies.  While we generally think of kidneys as organs that get rid of water, they actually conserve water by filtering waste products into urine while returning the rest to the blood stream.  Approximately 100 quarts of liquid are filtered through the kidneys daily with only 1½ quarts passing out of the body as urine. High protein diets are hard on the kidneys.  URIC ACID, a by-product of protein metabolism, must be eliminated by the kidneys.  If too much protein is consumed, the kidneys get … Continue reading

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BLOOD PURIFIERS are one of my favorite classes of herbs, and one that truly is at the heart of herbalism.  Blood purification is an old fashioned classification of herbs that are good for just about anything – including acne, arthritis, eczema, cancer and more. Many things in our modern life lead to BLOOD IMPURITIES – these include stress, poor diet, and exposure to many chemicals in our daily environments.  The human body is designed to clean and heal itself.  Herbs help this process; while many of the drugs used in conventional medicine interfere with this process. Any herb will have … Continue reading

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Chronic INFLAMMATION is a common symptom in most degenerative diseases.  These include certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, high cholesterol, chronic obesity, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Inflammation is a NATURAL RESPONSE of the body to injury.  Think of inflammation in relation to the swelling around a sprained ankle.  The body handles this injury by sending certain chemicals to the area to start tissue repair.  On the surface, this looks like swelling, but underneath the skin, much is going on to repair the damage and restore health to the ankle. “CHRONIC INFLAMMATION” is a systemic response to injury.  … Continue reading

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CLEANSING is a great topic for the New Year.   If you would like to be healthier or would like to lose weight, a cleanse would be a fabulous place to start.  The purpose of cleansing is to help the body get rid of harmful toxins so that it runs more effectively and efficiently. The standard AMERICAN DIET is full of processed and refined foods plus fast foods that tend to overwhelm our bodies and clog not just our arteries, but our livers, colons, lymph systems and kidneys as well.  Over the long run this kind of diet results in … Continue reading

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VISION PROBLEMS occur for various reasons.  Many times the problem is due to poor diet.  A diet of denatured and preservative laden food leads to the free radical damage that is implicated in many conditions affecting the eyes. A DEFICIENCY of just one vitamin can lead to various eye problems that can sometimes be corrected with supplementation of the correct vitamins and minerals.   Most of the products for eyes include antioxidants such as vitamin A, zinc, lutein and zeaxanthin. There are many good eye formulations on the market; however, the buyer has to beware. READ LABELS closely.  A lot … Continue reading

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JOINT PAIN or ARTHRITIS is the number one chronic illness in America.  One person in 7 suffers from it. Many people are use GLUCOSAMINE, CHONDROITINS, and MSM to manage pain and to supply building materials for joint repair.  While these are very helpful, particularly with osteoarthritis, I would like to mention some other natural remedies for arthritis. DIET CHANGES can be as remarkable as any drug or supplement in eliminating joint pain and inflammation throughout the body.  Eliminating foods that trigger inflammation in the body such as white flour, orange juice,coffee, dairy, red meat, white sugar, or nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, … Continue reading

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OLIVE LEAF is one of my favorite herbs for this time of year.  I use olive leaf for immune enhancement so that I do not get the flu.  However, olive leaf is more than just a great anti-viral. OLIVES in some form have been used throughout history.  Olives and olive oil are referenced throughout the Bible.  Olive leaf is the first herb mentioned after the flood.  Olive oil was used in ancient times as a special anointing oil for priests and kings.  The ancient Egyptians used an olive leaf extract to mummify their kings.  Throughout the ages, teas made from … Continue reading

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YOU ARE what you eat and do not eliminate.   Now that can be a troubling thought when you consider all of the chemicals used to process and preserve the typical American diet.  One great hiding place for toxic waste is our lymphatic system, which is the pathway for cellular waste to leave our tissues and to be eliminated from our body. The LYMPHATIC SYSTEM is a network of nodes, glands and tubes that relies on muscle movement to flow and drain properly.    Unlike our circulatory system, the lymphatic system has no pump to move the fluid.  So if … Continue reading

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It seems like everyone wants to REDUCE CHOLESTEROL.  There are some great natural ways to do this, but everyone is unique – so what works for one, may not work for another.  Cholesterol is necessary for many body functions, meaning that you don’t want to reduce it completely, but you don’t want unhealthy levels either. DIET is the best place to start.  Eliminate foods full of unhealthy transfatty acids and hydrogenated oils which tend to increase cholesterol. HIGH CHOLESTEROL and HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES are symptos of either insulin resistance or diabete.   This means you are eating too much sugar or … Continue reading

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Now is a good time to start building your IMMUNE SYSTEM for flu season. Whether you are concerned about colds or flu, there are some great natural strategies for you to use to build your immune system. Let’s review a bit about viruses and immune function. VIRUSES are opportunistic and function like scavengers. If the host is healthy and there is nothing to scavenge, the virus will not be successful. An average body is somewhat easy to bring into balance and KEEP WELL. You want to make sure you are eating well balanced meals, getting plenty of sleep, exercising, and drinking plenty … Continue reading

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HAPPY and CONTENT is how we feel when we have plenty of serotonin.  When we eat a wholesome meal, the body is notified through the release of serotonin that we are well fed, helping us feel content and satisfied. DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, IRRITABILITY, and FOOD CRAVINGS are the symptoms of lack of serotonin.  From a nutritional standpoint, a lack of serotonin is frequently a result of bad diet and food reactions. We CRAVE SUGAR and other refined carbohydrates when our serotonin levels decrease due to reactions to foods that we eat.  When we have food sensitivities or food reactions, the picture … Continue reading

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Our NAILS reveal much about our internal health. Abnormalities on either the fingers or the toes can indicate an underlying disorder. For instance, nail fungus is indicative of a SYSTEMIC PROBLEM which allows fungus to thrive. Chances are that if you have it on the outside, you also have it on the inside. HEALTHY NAILS are strong, flat and smooth and have pink nail beds. Any variation such as discolorations, ridges, curving or splitting reveals an underlying health problem.on the nails are generally zinc deficiency. However, they can also be a chronic adrenal problem. CONCAVE NAILS that “spoon” up are … Continue reading

STRESS – It’s what most of us have too much of. Coping with day to day tasks and problems can sometimes be overwhelming. Being CALM, RELAXED, and WELL RESTED helps almost everyone be less stressed. I like to look at BASIC NUTRITION to help with stress because I find that most people are deficient in basic nutrients. Most notably, B vitamins and magnesium. Look at the following signs of B-VITAMIN DEFICIENCY: Worry, anxiety, insecurity, or highly emotional state. Trouble with concentration. Constantly fatigued. Wake up at night and can’t get back to sleep. Moody or depressed. Always tense, can’t relax. … Continue reading

BRAIN and NERVE function are important. Preserve them and make them better with supplements and lifestyle changes. Some of the KEYS to long-term health for brain and nerves involves keeping insulin, blood sugar, inflammation, and toxicity at low levels. HIGH BLOOD SUGAR and high insulin can damage the fine tissues of the brain and nervous system. You do not have to be diabetic to experience this. Eating a low glycemic diet is important. If you want more information, a good book is “The Glycemic Load Diet.” TOXICITY is also an issue in terms of brain and nerve health – especially … Continue reading

COENZYME Q10 provides energy for cell growth and cell maintenance. It is a valuable antioxidant that is normally produced by all cells in the body, but is much more abundant in the heart, liver and immune system. We PRODUCE LESS Co Q10 as we age. Low levels of Co Q10 have been linked to several chronic diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, congestive heart failure, and cardiovascular disease. Low levels of Co Q10 are also linked to people with severe allergies, auto immune disorders and muscular dystrophy. There are a number of SCIENTIFIC STUDIES showing that Co Q10 may be effective … Continue reading