ANTIOXIDANTS are for anti-aging. They help to retard the aging process, lower cholesterol levels, decrease risk of atherosclerosis, protect against heart disease and stroke, reduce risk of all types of cancer, slow progression of Alzheimer’s, suppress tumor growth, detoxify carcinogens, protect eyes from macular degeneration, defend the body from pollutants, and protect against COPD (pulmonary disease). Antioxidants PROTECT against oxidation which is a result of normal metabolism. Free radicals are created when the body uses oxygen.Free radicals become DANGEROUS when they accumulate and cause damage to the cell walls and also to the genetic coding of the cells. When the … Continue reading

It is BACK TO SCHOOL time. Now is a good time to start a vitamin regimen to boost immunity and brain function. I have a basic three that I like for anyone school age (teachers can do this too.) It includes a multi-vitamin, a fish oil (brain food), and an immune booster. Keeping kids HEALTHY is a common issue. School seems to be a breeding ground for all kinds of coughs, colds and flues. My all time favorite “keep my kid well” remedy is Elderberry Defense. Once we started using it, our son got perfect attendance – he only got … Continue reading

DETOXIFICATION is a basic principle of natural health. Any program of restoring the health and balance of the body includes getting toxins out of the body. TOXINS accumulate over time because they store in our fatty tissue. Our bodies cannot eliminate toxins without some help. The fatty tissue that stores toxins is not just that roll around the middle – it also a form of fat known as phospholipids that are found in significant quantities in our brain and nerves. This accumulation of toxins over time can cause serious degenerative problems. SYMPTOMS of toxicity include fatigue, lack of energy, headaches, … Continue reading

If you are feeling STRESSED OUT and FATIGUED, then you may need a supplement that supports the adrenal glands. The ADRENAL GLANDS help us handle stress and they make several important hormones that run many significant functions in our bodies. ADRENALINE is our “fight or flight” hormone, that helps speed up metabolism and helps the body cope with danger. Over time, we lose our ability to distinguish between life threatening stress, such as almost having a car wreck, and situational stress, such as being stopped at a red light too long. The end result is stressed out adrenal glands. General … Continue reading

JOINT PAIN or arthritis is the number one chronic illness in America. One person in 7 suffers from it. Many people are use GLUCOSAMINE, CHONDROITINS and MSM to manage pain and to supply building materials for joint repair. While these are very helpful, particularly with osteoarthritis, I would like to mention some other natural remedies for arthritis. DIET CHANGES can be as remarkable as any drug or supplement in eliminating joint pain and inflammation throughout the body. Eliminating foods that trigger inflammation in the body such as white flour, orange juice, coffee, dairy, red meat, white sugar, or nightshades (potatoes, … Continue reading

Do you need NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS? If you eat a diet that includes products made with sugar and white flour, the answer is absolutely yes. Even if you eat a healthy diet, the answer is yes. FOOD CHOICES that include sugar, white flour, caffeine, sodas and not enough whole grains and fruits and vegetables don’t have the correct nutrients to begin with, and to make things worse, they deplete other necessary nutrients. Some of the nutrients simply are not in the soil as a result of modern farming techniques. Other nutrients are not in the food by the time we eat … Continue reading

INDIGESTION – From gas and bloating to acid reflux – if you have it, you want to get rid of it. But don’t fall for something that just gets rid of the symptoms, look to address the underlying cause. Most indigestion is the result of INSUFFICIENT ENZYMES and/or INSUFFICIENT STOMACH ACID. The most common remedy is some sort of acid blocker that makes proper digestion impossible. Antacids and acid blockers perpetuate the problems of indigestion. They neutralize or block stomach acid, preventing the stomach from digesting food. A vicious cycle is then set up since more acid is needed to … Continue reading

1. EAT BREAKFAST. How many times have you heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? It is, especially if you have low energy, headaches, and are stressed. What you eat for breakfast is important. Skip products made with white flour and white sugar – they will make you tired and more stressed. Make sure that you eat some form of protein – eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, leftover supper, protein smoothie, etc. 2. STAY REGULAR. Many health problems begin in the colon. Constipation is epidemic in America due to the processed nature of the typical diet. There … Continue reading

INSOMNIA plagues many of us. With some, it is chronic, with others it is a short term. There are many causes. Among these are stress, indigestion, mineral deficiency, vitamin deficiency, hormone imbalance, too much caffeine, blood sugar issues, prescription drugs, etc. RESTLESS LEG syndrome is a common form of insomnia. In many cases, it is caused by a pH imbalance in the body and can be helped by supplementing a balanced calcium/magnesium formula. Other cases may be deficiency related and usually respond well to potassium, magnesium, iron or folic acid. BLOOD SUGAR imbalances will make you wake up in the … Continue reading

MAGNESIUM – If you have fatigue, headaches, hypertension, irregular or rapid heartbeat, cramps, muscle tics or twitches, constipation, feelings of despair, irritability, constant worry, nervousness, a feeling of constant stress, bone weakness, PMS, chest pains or insomnia, you could be deficient in magnesium. MAGNESIUM is a mineral that is often overlooked, particularly in terms of bone health. Conventional thought considers calcium the most important mineral for bone health. However, the United States has one of the highest intakes of dietary calcium and still suffers one of the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world. Most people at risk for OSTEOPOROSIS … Continue reading

ENERGY, more commonly lack of energy, is one of the most frequent complaints that I hear. Unfortunately, there is not one pill, or one answer that applies to everyone. Every cell in our body is ALIVE with electric energy that comes from the right balance of minerals, fluids, vitamins and other nutrients. If we don’t have the right balance of nutrients in our bodies, we don’t just shrivel up and die, we adapt. Our bodies have incredible wisdom in each cell that allows us to still function even without optimum fuel (nutrition). Without the RIGHT NUTRIENTS, the body has to … Continue reading

CLEANSING the body periodically is one of the tenets of natural health. The purpose of cleansing is to assist the body in eliminating harmful toxins which helps the body run more effectively and efficiently which translates to better health. As adults, 80% of our ENERGY goes towards eliminating byproducts of normal metabolism from our bodies. Our bodies are actually very good at eliminating things that we don’t need; however, our modern diets with lots of refined and processed foods tend overwhelm our bodies and clog not just our arteries, but our livers, colons, lymph system and kidneys as well. From … Continue reading

INSULIN is the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels within the body. Diabetes is the most well known condition involving insulin; however, insulin resistance is a more common condition affecting 25 to 30 percent of all Americans. Insulin resistance is a precursor to type II diabetes. Normally, insulin FACILITATES the use of blood sugar by the body. When we consume too many foods that convert easily into sugar such as refined carbohydrates, our body has to make lots of insulin to utilize that sugar. Over time, our bodies quit responding to the insulin, we have to make more and more … Continue reading

TURMERIC is a herb and spice used in curries. It has a characteristic deep yellow color and a mildly spicy flavor. It comes from the rhizome of the turmeric plant which is a member of the same species as ginger. You may have heard of it because it has been mentioned by Dr. Oz and in many popular news channels. The MEDICINAL PROPERTIES of turmeric include: strengthening the immune system, relieving inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, improving digestions, killing parasites, dissolving gallstones and alleviating PMS. Turmeric is a strong ANTIOXIDANT that is actually more powerful than vitamins C and E. … Continue reading

BONE HEALTH is not just about calcium. Bone health is a function of the way minerals are absorbed and used by the body. Healthy bones also depend on the right combination of minerals. Too many supplements contain only calcium and vitamin D. I have been recommending calcium balanced with magnesium and trace minerals for years. Taking MAGNESIUM alone with no calcium will help bone health. Many Americans are deficient in magnesium. Low levels of magnesium are associated with high blood pressure, kidney stones, heart disease and diabetes. Magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker which helps to hold calcium in … Continue reading