All agencies are quietly being armed just in case there may be civil unrest which arises by rigging the election to defeat Donald Trump. Even Ben Carson has come out and explained why Trump beat everyone in the Republican field: “the people themselves have just gotten disgusted with being manipulated and controlled”. There is no question that we have entered a new age post-2015.75 that is one of betrayal and deception. Many people assume that Obama would never declare martial law and that the proposition is simply a conspiracy theory. This is simply not true. Martial law in the United States has … Continue reading

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This is a video of Putin explaining the balance of power from the Russian viewpoint. He is absolutely correct in saying that an anti-missile system neutralizes opposition. It would certainly embolden the war hawks into believing that they could defeat Russia and rule the world at the expense of American and Russian citizens. Montesquieu, who influenced the Founding Fathers in creating the Constitution, met the political leader and soldier known as Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736). The political discussions between these two men helped Montesquieu understand the evils of government and forged the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution … Continue reading

The post Want To End War? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Clearly, the stage is set to blame Russia for a Trump victory. They are prepping the media who 99% endorse Hillary; the press conspiracy to feed propaganda to the American people is in full swing. Meanwhile, Obama continues to support the Sunni in the civil war with the intent to attack Russian forces in Syria. Our model still shows the largest turnout may take place here in 2016. This scares the blood, no matter how cold, right out of the veins of the career politicians. The American press is committing suicide and have succeeded in becoming indistinguishable from Pravda (“Truth”) of the old … Continue reading

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History is being rewritten all the time for the timeline of the past is far from definitive. Ancient Roman Coins issued under Constantine I the Great have been excavated from the ruins of a castle in Uruma, located in Okinawa Prefecture., This is the first such discovery made in Japan of Roman coins. Four copper coins were discovered in the ruins of Katsuren Castle. This location was actually only in existence from the 12th to 15th centuries where the coins were from the 4th century. We do know that Okinawa traded both with China and Southeast Asia. These coins are curious since … Continue reading

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Once upon a time, couples would have three to five children for that was their retirement. The family was everything. Then came Marx who effectively replaced the family with politicians. The family structure has declined steadily since the introduction of socialism. Children no longer save to take care of their parents for that is government’s job. While some still tout that we are becoming over-populated, the number of children has been dropping remarkably. In China, they implemented the one-child rule. That resulted in couples only wanting boys to carry on the family name. But daughters are typically those who take care … Continue reading

The post Socialism Does More Than Wreck the Economy appeared first on LewRockwell.

The very core tenet of Marxism and its two versions called socialism and communism is to actually replace the family structure. In Russian communism, Stalin was paranoid about any possible resistance. Children were taught that the state was their parent instead of their biological parents, and if those creatures spoke anything against the state then the children should report them. Karl Marx’s view on religion also explains his view of family. “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.” The lofty … Continue reading

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QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have read your thesis on global warming and that this is only part of a natural cycle. I admit that you have persuaded me whereas the claims are false especially that New York City should have been under water by now according Al Gore. You mentioned that there was global warming which enabled the Vikings to reach America because the ice melted. My question is rather blunt. If we are headed now into a global cooling period, what is the historical evidence that society also declines? Thank you in advance PD ANSWER: I have reported that the … Continue reading

The post Real, Non-Human Climate Change appeared first on LewRockwell.

401K is a Private Retirement Fund under US Law QUESTION: Martin, I’m still fairly young, so I don’t have a lot saved in my retirement accounts yet, but I’ve been maxing out my IRA for the last few years to get the tax deduction. I worry because I’ve heard you and others talk about congress wanting to steal our 401k and IRA accounts to “save” social security and/or state pension funds. Do you think that is likely to happen, and will we have time to liquidate our retirement accounts before they steal them? What should we watch out for that would … Continue reading

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QUESTION:  Dear Martin and co-workers,Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the writings on the blog (it opened my eyes! and I am very much awake now) and I read a daily. I am a stay-at-home-mother, artist, and I had never before gained knowledge about economics , it’s corruptive nature, and leading role in society. However, Just a few months ago I saw the movie The forecaster. Martin, you are truly an amazing guy!!! and I wish you the best!My question:Do you have an advice or suggestion for people like myself. No traders, (middle income) families, living in Europe or … Continue reading

The post Marxism Is Destroying Europe and the US appeared first on LewRockwell.

QUESTION: Marty, I have not seen you write about the Vikings. Did you take their rise and fall into consideration in your model? ANSWER: Of course. The monetary history of the Vikings is tied to England as well as Global Warming. The rise of the Vikings was due to Global Warming from a natural cyclical trend which the current nonsense ignores. The rise of the Vikings coincided with the Medieval Warm Period (800–1250) and stopped with the start of the Little Ice Age (about 1250–1850). The climate directly influenced the rise and fall of the Vikings. Moreover, we now know that … Continue reading

The post Gold and Conquest appeared first on LewRockwell.

Whenever the establishment is seriously threatened, they respond with assassination. This is historically normal in all cultures. One of the more credible conspiracies about the Kennedy assassination centers on the fact that he was against expanding the military and opposed starting the Vietnam War. After Lyndon Johnson approved the war, he later commented how it was a staged event and that the Vietnamese never fired on Americans to begin with. The official story was that North Vietnamese torpedo boats launched an “unprovoked attack” against a U.S. destroyer on a “routine patrol” in the Tonkin Gulf. Then, the North Vietnamese boats followed … Continue reading

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Why Trump Haters Really Hate Trump It’s not the hair. Or the bad manners. Or the “beautiful” wall he says he’ll build. There’s a different, more subtle reason why the Republican establishment, donor class, political operatives, and the news media in general hate Donald Trump. The reason can be found in a New York Times best selling business book, Stacking The Deck, by Wharton professor David Pottruck. Pottruck, the Charles Schwab CEO who took the genial brokerage house online and into the big time, says that organizations hate change. Hate it with a PASSION! That’s because when there’s a new way … Continue reading

The post What Terrifies the Power Elite appeared first on LewRockwell.

The cyber police are monitoring everything. Anyone who appears to be organizing any type of protest in Germany is visited by the police. This is the new national security and slight statements are being targeted as “troublemaker speech.” We are heading into the dark land of government suppression. Part of the U.S. First Amendment is the freedom of assembly. This civil right was recognized by the Founding Fathers because the government in those days acted in the same manner. Anyone who dared to try to organize a protest was imprisoned. Our Fifth Amendment and the Miranda decision, which says you have a … Continue reading

The post Rights, Privileges, & Immunities Always Vanish appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Arab sexual assault in Cologne, Germany, occurred on New Year’s Eve when hundreds of male refugees robbed and carried out sexual assaults against over 100 girls. This illustrates one of the huge problems with allowing such a mass migration of a starkly different culture. did not publish the story for three days. On January 6th, Denmark began “temporary” passport checks on the German-Danish border. The attempt to cover-up the Cologne attacks with one-third being sexual, has sent a shock-wave in Europe behind the headlines. The temporary passport checks in Denmark is a clear response to Germany’s unprecedented acceptance of refugees who a … Continue reading

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