Author: Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert
“Guerrilla Warfare Against a Hegemonic Power”: The Challenge and Promise of Greece
Banks create money when they make loans. Greece could restore the liquidity desperately needed by its banks and its economy by nationalizing the banks and issuing digital loans backed by government guarantees to its ailing businesses. Greece could provide an…
Is Bitcoin Trading is rigged just like everything else?
Kill zones define a point of high liquidity in a market. They have traditionally been used in forex trading but considering that bitcoin is traded 24/7 365 days a year, it is also very relevant in this market. There are…
.@KimDotcom: CATO Institute: “Govt can’t be allowed to profit from forfeiture & suppress defenses by calling residents of other countries fugitives”
Govt can’t be allowed to profit from forfeiture & suppress defenses by calling residents of other countries fugitives — Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) July 9, 2015
George W. Bush Charged $100,000 to Speak at Charity for Wounded Veterans
Only in America could it been seen as acceptable for the man most directly responsible for causing young veterans their wounds, to turn around and charge $100,000 to speak in front of a charity for those same veterans. While one could argue…
C4 Dispatches: How UK Local Government is being fleeced by Barclays and RBS on £15bn ‘LOBO’ loans
Debt Resistance UK (DRUK) are initiating a local authority debt audit campaign to demonstrate how the framework of local government finance has been co-opted to work in the interests of private banks, and not in the interests of taxpaying citizens…
No Jobs for the Young, No Retirement for the Old
You may have seen a variation of this chart of employment in the U.S. by age group. This chart–courtesy of– shows the number of those employed (with any kind of job–full-time, part-time, self-employed) as a percentage of the Civilian…
A Day Of Crashes, Freezes, Bans, Closures and Collapses WorldWide – Just A Prelude Of What’s To Come
As readers know, we’ve been expecting a lot of craziness to occur in financial, economic and political systems… and we’ll be putting out a video elaborating on our predictions in the next few days. But, it looks like we’re on…
Correction: @StartHLDGS has given away $1.2 mn. in 12 mo’s – and we’re looking to raise that to $6.3 mn. over next 12. #DyslexiaIsABitch
Correction: @StartHLDGS has given away $1.2 mn. in 12 mo’s – and we’re looking to raise that to $6.3 mn. over next 12.
#DyslexiaIsABitch — Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) July 9, 2015
Growth of Chinese Margin Accounts Drove Bubble – Now Drives the Crash
Growth of Chinese Margin Accounts Drove Bubble – Now Drives the Crash – Restrictions on borrowing to speculate were eased in 2010 – Middle class savers gradually saturated the market trading on leverage – Market crash began as government tried…
Growth of Chinese Margin Accounts Drove Bubble – Now Drives the Crash
Growth of Chinese Margin Accounts Drove Bubble – Now Drives the Crash – Restrictions on borrowing to speculate were eased in 2010 – Middle class savers gradually saturated the market trading on leverage – Market crash began as government tried…
Physical Silver Shortage EXPLODES! “We Are Looking at the Potential of 2008 Style PM Premiums”
Everything has changed in the past 48 hours… While spot/paper prices have stabilized today, if any further weakness materializes in the paper futures markets for gold and silver, we are looking at the very real potential of 2008 style physical premiums…
Physical Silver Shortage EXPLODES! “We Are Looking at the Potential of 2008 Style PM Premiums”
Everything has changed in the past 48 hours… While spot/paper prices have stabilized today, if any further weakness materializes in the paper futures markets for gold and silver, we are looking at the very real potential of 2008 style physical premiums…
JP Morgan to Pay Another Slap on the Wrist Fine for Engaging in Systemic Consumer Credit Card Debt Fraud
Just yesterday, I published a post titled: Florida Man Sentenced to 2.5 Years in Jail for Having Sex on the Beach. The purpose of that post wasn’t to justify his actions, but rather to highlight the difference between how average citizens are…
JP Morgan to Pay Another Slap on the Wrist Fine for Engaging in Systemic Consumer Credit Card Debt Fraud
Just yesterday, I published a post titled: Florida Man Sentenced to 2.5 Years in Jail for Having Sex on the Beach. The purpose of that post wasn’t to justify his actions, but rather to highlight the difference between how average citizens are…