Americans “Looted” Nazi Gold – Reminder of Gold’s Role in Times of Crisis – Documents uncovered in Washington show American’s seized Nazi gold in last days of war – Himmler stashed emergency fund of gold and currencies in post office

Once again, the Federal Reserve proves that it’s the last one to know everything that we knew already.   Today’s stunning announcement:  The Philadelphia Fed admits they (“may have”) made the wealthy wealthier and Main Street poorer. Oops.  Sorry America. The Philly

Readers of Liberty Blitzkrieg will be well aware of the gradual erosion by the state of the civil liberties of the American public. Such attacks are typically sufficiently under the radar, so that the average citizen has no idea what is happening

U.S. State Finances – Lack “Truth and Integrity” – Volcker Warns – U.S. state budgets rely on “faulty practices” – Volcker – Shoddy budget practices push costs to future generations – Faulty budget practices lead to poor policy making –

Last week, I published an article highlighting how the use of “alternative financial services” has continued to increase despite the so-called economic “recovery.” These services include payday loans, refund-anticipation loans, pawnshops, rent-to-own services, and the little known, but recently surging, category called

A supernova is a stellar explosion that is so bright it momentarily outshines the entire galaxy. The most massive supernovae are caused by stars which collapse under their own gravity, sending massive shockwaves radiating outwards into space.   Any onlooker happening to see a supernova might be

That the China Story is going to implode is already baked into the public health catastrophe that will unfold with a vengeance in the coming decade. The financial pundits gushing over “The China Story”–that the Middle Kingdom’s industrialization is a

Deutsche Bank CEOs “Shown Door” – World’s Largest Holder of Derivatives In Trouble? – Deutsche co-CEO’s announce “resignation” nine months before their contracts expire – Only two weeks ago, CEO Anshu Jain was given more power to reorganise the bank

The co-CEOs of Deutsche Bank have unexpectedly stepped down.  Recall that Deutsche Bank is now the largest holder of derivatives in the world. “The ONLY reason these resignations would have been unexpectedly coerced like this is if Deutsche Bank was