Three charts crystallize the healthcare dynamics that are dooming the U.S. economy. The first depicts the runaway growth of healthcare costs–a rapid expansion that is a permanent feature of U.S. healthcare, regardless of which party is in office or what

Goldman Sachs Warns “Too Much Debt” Threatens World Economy – Debt load of many countries is an economic risk – Ageing populations in developed world to put pressure on economies – Goldman proposes “creative” social policy to deal with looming

Goldman Sachs Warns “Too Much Debt” Threatens World Economy – Debt load of many countries is an economic risk – Ageing populations in developed world to put pressure on economies – Goldman proposes “creative” social policy to deal with looming

Goldman Sachs Warns “Too Much Debt” Threatens World Economy – Debt load of many countries is an economic risk – Ageing populations in developed world to put pressure on economies – Goldman proposes “creative” social policy to deal with looming

The aggravated global financial situation is working toward a series of powerful climax events.  It cannot be saved. It is cratering. It is rotting from the inside. It is fracturing. It will fail. The fiat paper currency system and its many

The aggravated global financial situation is working toward a series of powerful climax events.  It cannot be saved. It is cratering. It is rotting from the inside. It is fracturing. It will fail. The fiat paper currency system and its many