The entire economic and political structure is now dependent in one way or another on the continued expansion of financial markets. The financial markets don’t just dominate the economy–they now control everything. In 1999, the BBC broadcast a 4-part documentary

U.S. and UK GDP Fall Heralds New Depression – ZIRP to Continue – U.S. first quarter GDP grew 0.2%, down from 2.2% last quarter – U.K. GDP for first quarter was 0.3%, last than half the previous quarter’s figure –

@StartJOIN @BankToTheFuture We reached our min funding goal in 10 days. Still open @maxkeiser
— Bitcoin Capital (@BTC_Capital) April 30, 2015

As a condition of becoming Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton signed a memorandum of understanding with the Obama Administration to disclose the donors to the Clinton Foundation due to the obvious potential conflicts of interest. Sounds good, but everyone knows