In this episode of the Keiser Report, we discuss the stubborn facts of the disappearing middle class and the rising mortality rates in white women in America. In the second half, Max interviews Harry Cole (Twitter handle: of the

This is another one of those “you can’t make this stuff up” articles, which perfectly highlights the complete idiocy and incompetence of American foreign policy. It’s no wonder nothing gets better, considering the corrupt status quo continues to merely rotate

Deutsche & Santander Fail ‘Stress Tests’ – Risk of Bail-Ins   – Largest banks in Germany and Spain fail Federal Reserve’s ‘stress tests’ – Stress tests designed to assess whether lenders can withstand another financial crisis – U.S. subsidiaries fail

Within the anti-establishment world in which I proudly reside, many people look for simplistic narratives. Ironically, these narratives are often as silly and narrow-minded as those who pledge allegiance to the fraudulent Republican or Democratic parties. For some, it’s the

Per capita energy consumption remains at recession levels. One way to verify rosy official data–GDP growth, low unemployment, etc.–is to compare it with data that is less easily gamed: for example, energy consumption.Those seeking a realistic snapshot of the Chinese

Apple Gold Demand – Bloomberg View Misrepresents GoldCore  – Bloomberg View’s Mark Gilbert misrepresents our widely read Apple gold demand – CNBC quoted extensively and favourably from our market update – Gilbert quoted selectively from our piece to misrepresent “gold

The most disingenuous and sickening type of status quo defender is the person who blames the recent expansion in wealth inequality on a “lack of skilled workers.” Such a person is either a liar or an imbecile. There’s not much

New Orders are in recessionary territory. The financial news is astonishingly rosy: record trade surpluses in China, positive surprises in Europe, the best run of new jobs added to the U.S. economy since the go-go 1990s, and the gift that

We discuss the war racket, the build to war and the successful campaign by Stacy to get the Guardian to change the description under a photo of a ‘far-right’ woman named ‘Anaconda’ in Ukraine. In the second half, Max interviews

‘BREXIT’ Poses Risks To London Property, FTSE and Sterling Assets Political uncertainty beginning to impact bond and property markets UK bonds and stocks at all time record highs and ‘bubbly’ FTSE looks overvalued and ripe for sharp correction “Air of

Of all the commentary written about Netanyahu’s embarrassing political stunt in front of the U.S. Congress last week, the most important angle was largely overlooked. That is, it sort of represented a coming out party for the American oligarch from behind the