Author: Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert
Greece Buys Gold Sovereigns as New Greek Drachmas Unveiled
Greece Buys Gold Sovereigns as New Greek Drachmas Unveiled – Greece warns may default on IMF loan next week – Greek bank runs continue and deposits flee – German Bundestag votes for bailout extension – Syriza agree to a bailout…
Rage in Toronto?
Who is ready for a #Keiser #StandUpRage in Toronto and/or Montreal this summer?
— Stacy Herbert (@stacyherbert) February 27, 2015
Your thoughts in the comments section below.
“Gontareva is a financial terrorist”
In Kiev, where clearly the Keiser Report has more influence on opinion than John Kerry: Meanwhile at the Ukrainian Central Bank in Kiev:
“Gontareva is a financial terrorist” — *Russian Market (@russian_market) February 27, 2015
“Gontareva is a financial terrorist”
In Kiev, where clearly the Keiser Report has more influence on opinion than John Kerry: Meanwhile at the Ukrainian Central Bank in Kiev:
“Gontareva is a financial terrorist” — *Russian Market (@russian_market) February 27, 2015
Time To Toss The Playbook
Global capital flows are taking on heightened importance in today’s bizarro market environment. As the system become more unstable, capital seeks safety — and that can lead to non-intuitive outcomes, at least in the short term. The analysis and understanding…
Hillary Clinton Exposed Part 2 – Clinton Foundation Took Millions From Countries That Also Fund ISIS
Of all the idiotic wars that the dangerously inept American politicians propagandize the public into accepting, the latest ISIS conflict is the most Orwellian and terrifying. Not only was the emergence of ISIS the direct consequence of the chaos left over by…
[KR724] Keiser Report: Can Bitcoin Save Greece?
We discuss the impossible demand from the Greek voters that both austerity ends and that they remain in the euro as currently arranged. They also look at a parallel ‘future-tax’ crypto currency as a possible answer to Greece’s problems. In…
UK’s top, @maxkeiser, came runner up to @SteveCase as the world’s most influential Twitter person for #crowdfunding!
UK’s top, @maxkeiser, came runner up to @SteveCase as the world’s most influential Twitter person for #crowdfunding! — (@NurtureMoney) February 26, 2015
“Emperor Has No Clothes” – EU Warns of Debt Dangers Facing Ireland and EU
“Emperor Has No Clothes” – EU Warns of Debt Dangers Facing Ireland and EU – High “structural” unemployment, high levels of public and private debt and a still vulnerable banking sector are weighing on the Irish economy – Report further…
Sióga Éireannacha ag Imirt Poc Fada le Méadair Uisce
An Poc Fada is a variation of a game played by top Irish Hurlers (Gaelic Game). The objective is to hit a ball as far as you can over a number of mountains. Whoever hits it furthest and thus the…
London Real estate and Bitcoin
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A Brief Recent History Of Precious Metals Manipulation Investigations
Originally appeared at GoldSilverBitcoin Although terms like “free market” are often used to describe modern life, evidence of command-and-control markets keeps finding its way into headlines, most notably with Libor – the rigging of global interest rates (or the price…
Breaking – Bank of England Admits Large Portion of Austria’s GOLD IS GONE
A remarkable report on The Austrian State Gold from the Austrian Federal Court (ÖBRH) has apparently just revealed that as of 2009, 56% of Austria’s gold reserves “held” at the Bank of England DID NOT PHYSICALLY EXIST!!! No wonder that Germany & The Netherlands…