A collapse of the current global fiat currency regime is, concerningly, something that increasingly looks more and more inevitable. This will destroy a staggering amount of the (paper) wealth currently held by today’s households. Which makes developing a fully-informed understanding

Many of us have written about cycles in the past decade: Kondratieff economic cycles, business/credit cycles, the Strauss–Howe generational theory (an existential national crisis arises every four generations, as described in their book The Fourth Turning), and long-wave cycles of

In today’s competitive world, businesses are trying their best cut down on time spent in non-profitable activities. With the traditional financial setup, general transactions end up taking way longer than expected to cause a loss of time and investment opportunities.

With the advent of multiple cryptocurrencies that offer their own set of fundamental, strategic and technical advantages over others, the cryptocurrency market is enjoying new found diversity and flexibility. To reap the benefits of this network of cryptocurrencies and facilitate

Millienials look for instant gratification Spend half of their income on leisure Instant gratification doesn’t work if need to save for the future Savings rates falling, few have retirement funds Important to understand marginal difference between spending and pleasure Future

The cryptocurrencies offered the world disruption and path breaking solutions that would transform the face of multiple industries and consequently the world as we view today. While the digital assets are making inroads into various sectors, their underlying technology –

IHS Markit index shows UK households pessimistic about finances for 2017-208 UK household finances remain under intense pressure from rising living costs 58 percent of respondents expected higher interest rates in 12 months time Inflation in the United Kingdom currently