The Federal Reserve has been trying to boost the official inflation rate for eight long years, and apparently patience with current policies is finally wearing thin.Rumor has it that the Fed is readying a new “nuclear option”: distributing $1 million

Are the Gold and Silver Shorts About to Receive A Religious Experience? Subscribe for Free to the SD YouTube Channel Physical Market Update: Gold and Silver coin sales remained subdued this week across the US market, as wholesale premiums dropped on

I presented this chart of rising wealth inequality a number of times over the past year. Do you notice something peculiar about the inflection points in the 1980s? Correspondent W.S. noted that the inflection point for the top .1% (late

Over the past 20 years, central banks have run a gigantic real-world experiment called “trickle-down.” The basic idea is Keynesian (i.e. the mystical and comically wrong-headed cargo-cult that has entranced the economics profession for decades): monetary stimulus (lowering interest rates

Commentators seem split into three camps: those who see Trump as a manifestation of smouldering social/economic ills, those who see Trump and his supporters as the cause of those ills, and those who see Trump as both manifestation and cause