Silver Price To Surge As “Investors and Users Fighting Over Available Physical Supplies” One of the world’s foremost silver analysts Theodore Butler has elaborated on another “powerful” bullish factor which “screams at us to buy silver”. Mr. Butler is one of

I have long held that America’s educational system is an outmoded “factory model” designed to produce interchangeable industrial and service workers en masse for an industrial economy of factories and a 1960s-era service sector that needed millions of employees with

Propaganda has entered a new, nefarious age. Artificial intelligence – the mimicking and harnessing of human thinking and behavior by machines – has been carefully unleashed onto the internet by political powers looking to recruit irrational voters. Whereas the propaganda

One of the themes I’ve been addressing since 2008 is the neocolonial-plantation structure of the U.S. economy. The old models of colonial exploitation that optimized plantations worked by cheap imported labor (or situated in peripheral nations with plenty of cheap

David McWilliams, economist, writer and journalist, has warned that the coming French election may lead to the euro breaking up and that Ireland should have a ‘plan B’ and ‘print punts’ in order to be ready for the collapse of the