According to a breaking Fox News story, Benghazi guards turned on US diplomats in the September 11, 2012 attack. Wales-based Blue Mountain Group  used local newspaper ads to assemble a team of 20 guards, many of whom had terror ties,

America’s Ruling Elite is freaking out because a significant percentage of the American public is trying to fire them. The Ruling Elite has failed and deserves to be fired, and deep down, they know it–and this awareness of their self-serving

Financial Journalist Harlan Levy interviews Janet Tavakoli: “We’re In An Asset Bubble With Good Chances Of Popping: Structured Finance Consultant Janet Tavakoli” Recent Thoughts: Why Voters in Obama’s Home State Switched to Donald Trump Islam’s “Human Rights” Martenson Interviews Tavakoli

*Breaking Update 2: SMOKING GUN Pedo email? *Breaking Update:  Adoption and Safe Families Act, Sex Trafficking, & the Clinton Foundation: Too Many Coincidences? Over the past 48 hours, rumors and whisperings have emerged from the FBI’s reopened investigation into Hillary’s

Hardcore cryptocurrency promoters strongly believe that decentralized cryptocurrency will slowly overtake the established financial system. However, the core of the Bitcoin innovation, Blockchain technology, has gained ready acceptance on Wall Street. Owing to its numerous applications, major banks are moving