In my latest interview with Max Keiser, Max asked a question of fundamental importance: (I paraphrase, as the interview has not yet been posted): now that the current iteration of capitalism has occupied every corner of the globe, where can

In the October 2016 Tax Justice Network podcast: we look at the offshorisation of Iceland’s economy, its collapse and recovery. What are the lessons? Also, Brazil adds Ireland to its tax haven black list and Panama threatens anyone who dares

Every ruling Elite needs the consent of the governed: even autocracies, dictatorships and corporatocracies ultimately rule with the consent, however grudging, of the governed. The American ruling Elite has lost the consent of the governed. This reality is being masked

Cashless Society – Risks Posed By The War On Cash by Jan Skoyles, Editor Mark O’Byrne Introduction  Cash is the new “barbarous relic” according to many central banks, regulators, and some economists and there is a strong, concerted push for the

With public pensions moving away from alternative managers, the industry is looking toward government under Hillary Clinton to tax American workers in order to guarantee captive money continues to flow into the coffers of private equity and hedge fund managers. You gotta hand

School districts are notoriously short of funding – so short that some California districts have succumbed to Capital Appreciation Bonds that will cost taxpayers as much is 10 to 15 times principal by the time they are paid off. By

One of the hidden realities of modern life is its fragility. For example, few people are aware of the precariousness of the supply chain that refills gasoline/petrol stations around the world every few days. A new book, When Trucks Stop

HSBC’s respected chief precious metals analyst James Steel has written a note pointing out that the global trade slowdown will likely lead to “higher gold prices” as reported by Bloomberg. Analysts at HSBC Group Inc. are telling clients that gold may