EU Bail In Rules Ignored By Italy  – Mother Of All Systemic Threats and World War? by George Friedman for Mauldin Economics via Forbes Italy has been in a crisis for at least eight months, though mainstream media did not

EU Bail In Rules Ignored By Italy  – Mother Of All Systemic Threats and World War? by George Friedman for Mauldin Economics via Forbes Italy has been in a crisis for at least eight months, though mainstream media did not

The mainstream media bet the farm on Hillary Clinton, confident that their dismissal of every skeptical inquiry as a “conspiracy” would guarantee her victory. It now appears they have lost their bet. Let’s do something radical and be honest for

Buy gold as bonds are in the “biggest bubble in the world” and it is a “a very dangerous time in the global economy” according to billionaire investor, Paul Singer. Speaking at the CNBC Delivering Alpha Conference, the respected hedge

As the status quo narratives and metrics lose their explanatory value, defenders of the status quo frantically leap into attack mode, declaring any skeptical inquiry as a “conspiracy” or “hoax.” A recent example can be found in that high-brow defender

Centuries ago banks actually stored real money (gold) and gave their customers paper receipts which made transferring and transporting easier. Then as time went by, banks just began storing currency. Unbacked fiat paper is not money. In those days the

Silver Bullion Market – “Still The Most Bullish Story Ever Told?” Interview with Ted Butler from Cook: What’s happening in the silver market is hard to understand right now. Can you simplify it for us? Butler: First you must

“Sorry, You Can’t Have Your Gold” by Jeff Thomas via In this publication, we warn regularly of the risk involved in storing wealth in banks. They’ve made the removal of your deposits increasingly difficult in addition to colluding with

Pharmaceutical executives who recently made a major donation to an anti-marijuana legalization campaign claimed they were doing so out of concern for the safety of children — but their investor filings reveal that pot poses a direct threat to their plans

When you watch mainstream media or listen to central bankers, gold is constantly deemed to be the redheaded stepchild of the investment industry. Just that alone, is unbelievable, considering that gold has been one of the best performing investments of

Global stocks and bonds fell the most since the Brexit panic today as recently dormant volatility came back with a vengeance.  There are deepening concerns that global central banks’ ultra loose monetary policies have been ineffectual and may indeed be