We are already experiencing the powerlessness of POTUS. We all know the POTUS (President of the United States) has the power as Commander-in-Chief to engage the nation in senseless, costly, needless wars.We also know the POTUS has a media-saturated bully

To get to the Democratic National Convention, you take the subway to the AT&T Station and walk to the Wells Fargo Center. Along the way, you’ll stroll by the Comcast Xfinity Live complex, where delegates and honored guests can booze

To get to the Democratic National Convention, you take the subway to the AT&T Station and walk to the Wells Fargo Center. Along the way, you’ll stroll by the Comcast Xfinity Live complex, where delegates and honored guests can booze

Gold bullion was up 1.6% and silver surged 3.7% yesterday, their second consecutive day of gains, after U.S. durable-goods orders dropped sharply, adding to speculation that Federal Reserve policy makers will maintain ultra loose monetary policies. Gold and silver consolidated

If you think a delusional market is healthy, it’s time for a psychiatric exam. What diagnosis would an experienced psychiatrist offer when presented with the bizarre behavior of the U.S. stock market? We assume that the wild mood swings of

Marc Faber has told advisers to invest 25% of investment portfolios in gold bullion. The author of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, urged investment professionals at the CFA Institute Conference in Chicago that 25 percent of a portfolio should be allocated

Why did passengers remain on the Titanic even as its bow sank deeper into the ice-cold Atlantic? They believed the experts and authorities because they wanted to believe the ship was “unsinkable.” And why did they want to believe the

Fifteen years after embarking on its largely ineffective quantitative easing program, Japan appears poised to try the form recommended by Ben Bernanke in his notorious “helicopter money” speech in 2002. The Japanese test case could finally resolve a longstanding dispute

Newstalk’s Nick Bullman interviewed GoldCore’s Mark O’Byrne on “Down To Business” at 0643 this morning.The interview on Breakfast (06:30 – 09:00) begins in the 14th minute (Part I) and can be listened to here Topics covered were: – Gold’s performance so far

I believe Hillary Clinton lost the Presidency this past week. While the explosive DNC leaks will undoubtably have a long lasting effect, this post will barely reference the leaks. Rather, it will explain how recent decisions by the Hillary campaign

I believe Hillary Clinton lost the Presidency this past week. While the explosive DNC leaks will undoubtably have a long lasting effect, this post will barely reference the leaks. Rather, it will explain how recent decisions by the Hillary campaign