Gold is in a bull market for a number of reasons including political risk and there is “every reason for it to continue” according to Dominic Frisby writing in the UK’s best selling financial publication Money Week. via Money

PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler Joins the Show This Week, Discussing: Manipulators Losing Control? Silver’s Up 23% Since June! Record Amount of Paper is Being Thrown at Gold and Silver to Keep Them From Going Parabolic! Why the Fund Manager Would “Not

I just finished watching Trump’s entire acceptance speech and I have all sorts of thoughts to share. Let’s start with the overall picture. First, the speech confirmed all the reasons I cannot support Trump, but also further solidified why I think

Introduction The financial services industry is a highly regulated, highly technical, and highly traditional industry where ancient companies reign supreme and new entrants do not have good odds of survival. The Internet and the rise of the digital age have

Just as the dust begins to settle on Brexit, Italy’s banking system looms as the next threat to global financial markets. Previous attempts to resolve Italy’s banking sector woes have proven to be less than effective. Non Performing Loans on the

In the July 2016 Tax Justice Network podcast: ‘Hello. This is John Doe. Interested in data? I’m happy to share.‘ We talk to the two journalists who got the Panama Papers scoop, Bastian Obermayer and Frederik Obermaier who’ve written a

Whenever an irrational and inhumane law remains on the books far longer than any thinking person would consider appropriate, there’s usually one reason behind it: money. Unsurprisingly, the continued federal prohibition on marijuana and its absurd classification as a Schedule 1 drug