One little-remarked consequence of the central banks’ policies of near-zero interest rates and quantitative easing is the unrivaled dominance of mobile global capital, i.e. the Corporatocracy. The source of corporate political power is the ability to borrow essentially unlimited sums

The “In Gold We Trust” Annual Report by fund managers, Ronald-Peter Stöferle and Mark Valek has just been published and is as ever essential reading for all seeking to better understand the gold market. Last year’s report by Ronnie and

Already in Jubilee 2016, we’ve seen incredible volatility.  Brexit is just one example.  Within a matter of minutes the British pound soared (when Bremain had the early lead in results) and then had its worst crash in history a few

Gold has broken the gates down with the British Exit vote, pushing its price over the tough stubborn $1300 resistance line. In the following days it has been adding to its gains. But Silver has emerged amidst the political smoke

Gold and silver have been the standout winners in the fallout from Britain’s decision to leave the European Union according to Bloomberg. They have compiled three charts showing how “precious” Brexit is for gold and silver. Investors seeking a haven from

If you ever wanted to look into the mind of the kind of cretins that inhabit groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Bilderberg, you just got your wish. James Traub, who has never really done anything

Brexit could trigger a $500 trillion derivatives meltdown, by forcing the EU to allow insolvent member governments and banks to write down debt. Italy is in financial crisis and is already petitioning for that concession. How to avoid collapse of

With Gold and Silver Prices Breaking Out In a HUGE Upside Move, London Analyst James Turk Joins A Crucial Metals & Markets to Break It Down: You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet – Real Move Begins After Silver Takes Out the $50

Thousands of commentaries have been issued about Brexit in the past week. I’ve written four myself. Most discuss Brexit as the result of immigration issues, class war, political theater, a reaction against the European Union’s bureaucratic power, sovereignty, etc. Other essays

Will we see $20/oz silver prices TODAY? The Admiral of the Silver Market Eric Sprott Warns the Fun Is Just Beginning For Silver. “It’s Just Going To Be Crazy How Far Things Can Go…” Click Here For Eric Sprott’s MUST LISTEN Silver