2012 was a watershed year for me. It was the last time that I stood in front of a voting machine and cast a ballot. It was also the first time in my life that I had voted FOR a presidential candidate instead of simply AGAINST his  ‘adversary.  Since then I have been completely free and unfettered from the political process, and view it as a tragic sort of entertainment best viewed from as far away as possible. Since  know so many people who are once again convinced that this is The Most Important Election ever I considered it my … Continue reading

The post Why I Don’t Vote appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Bible says “There is nothing new under the sun” and   over a hundred years ago before a soft-spoken Texas Congressman was making waves in the GOP because of his non-interventionist ideas, it turns out the most celebrated American author in history was saying the exact same thing.  Samuel Clemens, or as he was better known, Mark Twain, had  enjoyed the  success and fame of his literary achievements. By the late 1800’s, he had circled the globe giving speeches and readings from his books.  By his own admission, visiting   almost every continent on earth, and seeing  first hand the effects … Continue reading

It’s a common observation that , if given a choice of plausibility and attainability between Batman and Superman, Batman is entirely the more  attainable. The idea is that it is impossible for me to  be an alien born on Krypton and rocketed here from birth with a unique physiology triggered by the Earth’s yellow sun. It’s too late for that. I was already born here, to human parents, as far as I know.  So ‘Superman’ isn’t really an option for me, and never was.  But to a young boy, there does remain the  remote possibility that somehow he will amass … Continue reading