I recently wrote a blog on “Work in the Private-Law Society“. I pointed out that in a private-law society, work regains its luster as an ethical value and its importance as an economic value, as opposed to the glorification of other values like equality or fairness that supposedly accompany the state’s welfare system. With no safety net in the private-law society, the necessity of work is bound to loom larger in people’s minds. This will have effects on the education system, the relations between employers and employees, and the family. Cultural and sociological changes can be expected when the work … Continue reading

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A private-law society has no government safety net. In 2011, the Congressional Research Service found that the federal government had 83 welfare programs that were costing over $1 trillion. Welfare is the largest component of government spending. One trillion dollars is like 50 million people x $20,000 each. Welfare programs actually service 52.2 million people. That’s a lot of people, a lot of money, a lot of government theft, a lot of welfare dependency and a lot of incentive to stay out of work. In a private-law society in America, these 50-odd million people have to find other means to … Continue reading

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Bret Stephens is a political commentator who works for The New York Times and NBC News. Stephens was editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post between 2002 and 2004. His Jewish identity is mentioned hand-in-hand with his political orientation by The Times of Israel: “In criticizing Trump even after his electoral victory, Stephens joins other leading Jewish conservative voices, including Brooks, Jennifer Rubin and William Kristol.” His Jewish identity is pertinent because he is known as a neocon and a strong supporter of Israel. The one seems to reinforce the other. Furthermore, his position on Iraq was criminal and disastrous and now … Continue reading

The post Neocon Bret Stephens appeared first on LewRockwell.

Russia doesn’t have to respond in force to American bombs, and it doesn’t have to engage the U.S. forces directly. All it has to do is outlast the Americans. That’s all that Assad or a successor to him have to do. The Taliban has shown in Afghanistan that Americans can be defeated, just as Ho Chi Minh showed in Vietnam. Before that, both China and North Korea showed that American forces can be neutralized. America’s leaders are living on myths of American superiority. Trump’s shiny new and smart missiles are a graphic example of this kind of thinking, as is … Continue reading

The post World War III Is Not Imminent appeared first on LewRockwell.

Should teachers be armed? This question is premature. In today’s monopoly law enforcement systems funded by forced extractions of money from taxpayers, lawmakers will answer this question. There will be public debate, such as is now occurring. Lawmakers will hear the arguments and they will decide. Their decisions will, however, not be according to criteria that relate directly to the welfare of the children of their citizens. The incentives faced by lawmakers will not create such a connection in the clarity that the citizens demand. The system is bound to frustrate the citizens. This question cannot be answered in an … Continue reading

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Because the three major rivals in the world, Russia, China, and the United States, each have nuclear weapons and systems to wipe each other out and make the world uninhabitable, there is only one option that spells the survival of mankind along with its current state of knowledge. No one of these three countries and no alliance of lesser powers can take over the world and form a world government because the others will resist. If one of these attempts to rule the world, the likelihood of nuclear war rises dramatically. There are several other possible paths in the future. … Continue reading

The post A Multi-Polar Cooperative World appeared first on LewRockwell.

The anti-Trump press frantically denies reality. One panelist claims there is no such thing as a deep state. Another claims the 4-page memo is the product of a conspiracy theory. The anti-Trump political faction is fighting the evidence of FBI complicity in a political plot against Trump. Schumer wrote a letter demanding that Rep. Nunes be removed as chair of the House Select Committee on Intelligence. When’s the last time a senator made such an absurd demand? Pelosi also seeks his ouster. The memo is actually MILD, very MILD in comparison to everything that went on in 2016 that is … Continue reading

The post Anti-Trump Forces in Desperate Denial appeared first on LewRockwell.

The anti-Trump press frantically denies reality. One panelist claims there is no such thing as a deep state. Another claims the 4-page memo is the product of a conspiracy theory. The anti-Trump political faction is fighting the evidence of FBI complicity in a political plot against Trump. Schumer wrote a letter demanding that Rep. Nunes be removed as chair of the House Select Committee on Intelligence. When’s the last time a senator made such an absurd demand? Pelosi also seeks his ouster. The memo is actually MILD, very MILD in comparison to everything that went on in 2016 that is … Continue reading

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Mohammed bin Salman, who seems to be running Saudi Arabia these days, is one of the bad guys. If he were a good guy, he wouldn’t have attacked his neighboring country, Yemen. He wouldn’t be committing war crimes there in conjunction with vital U.S. support. If he were a good guy, he’d respect not only the rights of females but also the rights of everyone else. Based upon some cursory research, all that I have time for at the moment, I suggest that the dominant media in America are biased in their reporting about this political potentate. I searched Google … Continue reading

The post Biased Reporting on a Bad Guy appeared first on LewRockwell.

What we really need for 9/11 truth is to open the files of the CIA, NSA and FBI, and we need it for truth in many other realms too. The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a petition that seeks a new and truly independent investigation. This is a step in the right direction. We need far more than that. We need to penetrate the secrecy of the CIA and NSA on a timely and complete basis, not 50 years after the fact and only partially. Their files have to be opened. We cannot let the government continue to … Continue reading

The post The Biggest Lie appeared first on LewRockwell.

The coup story keeps unfolding day by day. At this time, Trump is pulling out from under by degrees but hasn’t defeated his foes yet. His followers remain loyal, and this support is growing. This is alarming to Democrats in office. Some of them, seeing the political liability, are saying to move on and away from the Russia issue. Jared Kushner’s published statement is detailed and open. Its detail is plausible and realistic, hiding nothing. The collusion angle has no legs in this instance. The hacking attribution to Russia has been degraded and demoted repeatedly, most recently by the coalition of retired intelligence … Continue reading

The post The Coup appeared first on LewRockwell.

Thomas, the Democratic opposition to Trump continues its mass effort to create a Watergate out of nothing. Some of them think they are right and that what they are saying is true. Some of them think that no matter what the truth is, their charges are helping their case and weakening Trump. Paul Begala’s comments, even allowing for context, are among the most extreme I’ve heard: “We were and are under attack by a hostile foreign power, and they seem to be abetting that hostile foreign power,” Begala said, according to the Daily Beast. “We should be debating how many sanctions … Continue reading

The post Raising the Risk of WW3 appeared first on LewRockwell.

Scott Hamann’s anti-Trump rant, I believe, reveals not only his own beliefs and feelings but also those of many other people. I believe that what he expressed has quite wide currency because for many weeks now there has been a steady stream of similar kinds of extreme and outrageous remarks that have been made public. Many of them are divorced from reality. Take Nancy Pelosi: “California Democrat Rep. Nancy Pelosi said at her weekly news conference Thursday that President Donald Trump was turning his back on children and dishonoring God for withdrawing the United States from the Paris climate agreement.” … Continue reading

The post Undermine American Democracy? appeared first on LewRockwell.

It appears that Trump is preparing a big aerial attack on Syria in conjunction with the forces of other states like Great Britain, France and Israel. Ground forces may follow. The reason is that Assad is rapidly closing in on total victory in Syria. That is the only reason. All talk about chemical weapons and suspected chemical attacks coming from the White House is lying. I can’t predict whether this will happen much less the details. I can’t predict what Russia, Iran and Syria might do to stop it or do afterward, if it happens. What I can do is … Continue reading

The post If Trump Attacks Syria appeared first on LewRockwell.

The 2014 movie “Kill the Messenger” is excellent in telling the true story of Gary Webb. He was an investigative reporter for the San Jose Mercury News. We need to understand that his reporting was accurate in connecting the CIA with the Contras and their drug operations. This is now official. Documents attesting to the facts can be read in The National Security Archive kept by the George Washington University. Despite Webb’s accuracy, the campaign to discredit Webb led to his losing his job and an eventual suicide, according to Robert Parry. The following plot summary is here. “Based on … Continue reading

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