Trump’s election to the American presidency despite all conventional expectations disrupted the past patterns and practices of national political governance. Trump’s inconsistent but populist policies have upended the mono-partisan American politics of the late 20th and early 21st century. The two differently labeled wings (Republican, Democrat) of the same statist warfare-welfare political party are now splintered and broken. Since neither wing was able to prevent Trump’s ascendancy, neither is fully capable of holding him in check. In a recent fit of presidential pique President Trump threatened to remove federal ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) agents from California. This due to the mayor of Oakland’s … Continue reading

The post Decentralized America appeared first on LewRockwell.

While I am of a certain mature age, and thus sometimes discomforted by President Trump’s seeming Twitter addiction, I am convinced that he is truly the first 21st century American President based upon his communication style. While I frequently disagree with his Twitter content (or regard it as trivial, petty or just weird) he is demonstrating what an economist might call “communication disintermediation.” In simpler terms, removing the middleman media filters who charge the public for their obsolete services. Usually in the business world, ‘intermediation’ is merely a useless rent seeking opportunity often created by state regulation. Not always of … Continue reading

The post Trump the Disruptor appeared first on LewRockwell.

As a libertarian I am firmly against violence directed at functionaries of the State, as a strategy or tactic to produce positive change. This doesn’t work (like killing cockroaches with your shoe, there’s always many more) and causes a tremendous blowback. Nearly everyone in the US believes in democratic voting for change rather than victory by killing your opponents. Violence can only intimidate, not convince. This is why the recent anti-Trump/GOP, progressive Democrat shooter in Virginia was totally wrong-headed for his attack. Any similar acts should be condemned regardless of who or why committed. That is clear. Nonetheless, it is … Continue reading

The post Barbarians at the Gate appeared first on LewRockwell.

The politics are even worse than you know. First, the City Council passed this thing (dubbed, in a propaganda move, HERO – Houston Equal Rights Ordinance) with no voter input. It automatically levied a $5,000 fine if the bureaucrats decided you were noncompliant, based on some complaint by a malcontent or money seeker. Then local conservatives petitioned to repeal this. The City Attorney ordered that invalid by being extremely picky about the signatures based on a small sample. They had more than enough sigs. This was first upheld but subsequently overturned by higher appeals courts. Then the same court made … Continue reading

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