A common complaint I hear from parents is that their kids spend too much time in front of a PC or their smartphones playing video or computer games. I agree. But it dawns on me that many parents are being hypocritical. I mean, if you are the parent and you are a big TV watcher or you watch pro sports, and actually care about who wins that pro sports game, then you might not be any better than your kid who plays video games. Why? Playing video or computer games on a PC or hand-held device does nothing to better … Continue reading

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“And you tell me over and over and over again my friend, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.” – Barry McGuire I think this needs to be said (not that what I think really matters) but I am so disappointed by so many of today’s musicians and artists who come out and publicly support this politician or that. I have been noticing this trend amongst musicians and artists growing over these last 20 years or so. It astounds me that today’s artists are so fooled by the mass media that they will come out in support of … Continue reading

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People are arguing and fighting. It’s all over the internet and Social Media… Why? It pains me to see you guys going through this again. Have we learned nothing over these last 30 years? Especially over these last 15 or so?  Let me paraphrase my buddy, “Louie” to tell you how it is:  “The US presidency is just like a donut shop; every few years we get a new shop manager of the donut shop, but we NEVER see who owns the donut shop or the parking lot (That’s the big banks, Oil companies and the Military Industrial Complex).  These … Continue reading

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Donald Trump is evil! He is a racist. He is divisive. He is the cause of violence. He is (your complaint here). So what? Is he any worse than any other of these scumbags that are running for president? You have to be a scumbag to be president. Hillary is evil incarnate and a scumbagette. That’s why she is the perfect candidate for president. But Hillary isn’t funny or entertaining, so I don’t like her. Don is very entertaining. If I voted, I’d vote for Donald Trum……. Er, no, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t vote… I don’t vote. Ever. But I … Continue reading

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Once again, the entire nation is in an uproar over guns.  We even have a president who cries tears on cue for children who were killed in gun violence in the USA – all the while pushing the button on drone attacks that kill children everyday in other countries. He must be upset! President Obama was quoted as saying, “Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad,” he said. “And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day.” Yeah. “Every day,” right? From Debate.org: “Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws … Continue reading

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